I guess the question is....
Do you feel-luck?
The Sears where I live didn't have the KDWs in stock-said they'd have to order them. Ummm....
Okay, how long would that take, I ask.
About a week, I'm told. Plus,
Wal-Mart had the same KDWs for MUCH, MUCH less. Took only 2 days to order. Trouble was, their shop guys didn't have the equipment to install them on 17" rims, "but they'd give it a try one guy said." I had no intention of letting them do the install anyway. I politely told him I AM driving a Corvette, NOT a Chevette and he could experiment on something else.
But I did buy the tires, stuffed them into the back of my '93 coupe and crept over to Big 10 tires where the techs: installed and balanced my baby's grippers for about $58 (I only bought 2 tires).
All total about $350.
I'm not real sure about department store folks working for peanuts back there installing tires on a car that for some of them cost more than they make in a year.