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I'm considering buying some BF Goodrich KDW tires from Sears. They'll match COSTCO's price. Does anyone have any pros or cons using Sears? Do they know what they're doing. Also, should I have the car aligned at the same time?

I just got the KDWS at BJ's.
I found a tire shop that had better prices by a little bit but they would not give a road hazzard warranty.
BJ's did give me this peice of mind.
They were hesitant to do them because of the low profile.
Guess it makes the job harder but they did it and I have no complaint.
If the tire shop gave the warranty I would have felt better letting them do the work since that is all they do.
Lucky said:
........... Does anyone have any pros or cons using Sears? Do they know what they're doing. Also, should I have the car aligned at the same time?

... just bought a set of Goodyears from Sears for my C3 w/o any problems. Included road hazard and the normal rotation and balance services. they were cheaper than our local family owned Tire guys (who wouldn't meet the price). i did not do an alignment, but will when my front and rear suspension work is finished. i've never had any problems with Sears for tires, batteries, etc, but would probably never let them do anything else to the Vette.

i would ask them three questions,does there machine do 17"rims(im sure they do,does the machine have the proper pads so they dont mangle the rims,and ask if they know how to do without damaging the tire pressure sensors.those are good tires(not made by sears).i might get the KD(KILLER DRY TRACTION)he,he,my friend BigBoyzToyz(on this forum)has the same car,his is a LT1 auto.nice.
The 4 new Yokohama AVS Sport tires that are on my car now came from Sears. While I did not have any issues with Sears, I did have problems with UPS and their handling of the tires during shipment. I had to refuse a rear tire twice, due to sidewall/shoulder damage. It was a frustrating experience, but not the fault of Sears.

Did not have them mount/balance the tires, so can't comment on that.
Don't get cheap!!!!

What l really do not understand, is that our tire's are probably the most important part of our car because it is the buffer between the car and the road.

Who care's about trying to save a couple of dollars, one mistake while mounting one of your wheels and then what???????

Go to a real tire shop and have a pro put them on. Why gamble on such an important item. l can see an oil change, but a set of tire's!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just think how much the guy who is putting on your tire's makes an hour, think he really care's.

I ended up buying some SUMITOMO HTR Z II tires from SEARS. For the driving my wife (yes, my wife) and I do they suit my needs fine. They matched TIRE RACK's price and were VERY careful in everything they did (including covering the seat and steering wheel) Total $$ was $616.00.....Thanks again everyone for your great responses
To be honest, every Sears is different. I went to one that had somewhat of a Corvette specialist. The sears manager was smart enough to send the right cars to the right people... I know other sears stores are not like that..... Soooo... to make a long story short, it all just depends:eyerole
I guess the question is....
Do you feel-luck?
The Sears where I live didn't have the KDWs in stock-said they'd have to order them. Ummm....
Okay, how long would that take, I ask.
About a week, I'm told. Plus,
Wal-Mart had the same KDWs for MUCH, MUCH less. Took only 2 days to order. Trouble was, their shop guys didn't have the equipment to install them on 17" rims, "but they'd give it a try one guy said." I had no intention of letting them do the install anyway. I politely told him I AM driving a Corvette, NOT a Chevette and he could experiment on something else.
But I did buy the tires, stuffed them into the back of my '93 coupe and crept over to Big 10 tires where the techs: installed and balanced my baby's grippers for about $58 (I only bought 2 tires).
All total about $350.
I'm not real sure about department store folks working for peanuts back there installing tires on a car that for some of them cost more than they make in a year.

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