Here's a related thread by Andy on seat foam quality. It has been the general opinion on the NCRS Tech Board for many years that Al Knock has the best and most correct interior parts available. Ken's reply about Mid America is well placed too as their stuff looks to also be correct and of outstanding quality. In this day and age of knowledge relating to the correctness of older Corvette trim parts I find it hard to believe that anyone could sell parts that they claim to be absolutely correct and not be called on it (or have very many sales) if there is a deviation in correctness. As to the seat foam question, I think you would have to physically see and compare but what about the rest of the stuff? Al Knock's web site says buy direct and save over distributor prices so are we to assume that the direct price is the best and if so then please, all of you guys that have been down this road before, answer a question for me.
I'm looking at '59 parts here since that is what I have and both sources claim parts are OEM correct to every detail.
What is the difference between Al Knock's Daytona carpet at $415.00 and Mid Am's at $259.99?
I would compare the other trim items but some are lower priced at Al's and other's at Mid Am so it's about a wash. So if someone went back and forth between the two and bought the lower priced items what would they be getting from the one that they would not be getting from the other? Would the buy it all here discounts cover the savings from shopping lowest price or not?
I've watched this stuff for years from the days when a lot of it wasn't even available to the earliest repros to the ever increacing quality that has lead to the products we have today. The wide spread of price on some seemingly identicle parts has me confused though. Maybe I should just go buy a couple of indian blankets and rugs.