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Question: security system problem i think


New member
Mar 23, 2009
Moscow PA. USA
1995 Dark Purple Coupe
Here's what happen. The car(95 six-speed) sat most of the winter. I did start it a couple times with no problems. Yesterday i tryed the dead as a door nail. Put the charger on 2amps overnight battery charger no problem. But the car has no interior lights, center speed-o, fuel gauge, and lights on climate control, the but fan works. It will not turnover also. All fuses are good exterior lights work. Do's anyone know how to reset security system or is it off to the dealer????;shrug
It was hard to understand your post but, it sounds like the battery did not fully charge. If the battery was dead, overnight at 2 amps will not charge it.

Get a more powerful battery charger capable of at least 10 amps and put it on for 8 hrs. Then try starting.

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