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shop manual

  • Thread starter Thread starter steves1980
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i been looking for a shop manul on Ebay, had a bid on one, i put my high bid as 50 bucks, it was at 37, i checked it before i went to work it had 8 hours left, the guy jumped in and out bid me when i was at work, so i got to looking on the net, you can buy them new at the site i have below, you also get a wiring diagrams book has all passenger cars in it, all this for 60 bucks. i got it today, its a nice book to have if your doing your vette like iam .

I bought the set. They are a little pricey(around $130 shipped to Hawaii) as I remember but worth every penny. I see a lot of questions in here that could be answered in there. I was temped to try and bid on one on Ebay but in the long run I got the manual faster and was working on my car. Plus they were new.....

I think everyone who does their own work should have them.

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