Hello from Switzerland.
My question: is there a way to check if side pipes are factory original installed or added later on ? ( sting ray 65 )
Yes - here are some clues:
1. If the VIN is prior to 10,000, they were added.
2. If there is any evidence of the car having the welded brackets under the steel sills where the bottom of the rocker molding attaches on an undercar exhaust car, they were added (original sidepipe cars didn't get the brackets at all).
3. If the car has an A.O. Smith body, they were added (only St. Louis-bodied cars got sidepipes).
4. If the triangular outer front splash shields (between the fender and the outside of the frame) have rubber seals on the frame side, the pipes were added (those shields didn't get rubber seals or staple holes on sidepipe cars).
5. If the rear valance panel shows evidence of the tailipipe holes having been fiberglassed over, the pipes were added; sidepipe cars got a different rear valance panel with no holes in it.
There are other "clues" as well, but that should give you all you need to make the determination.