I have a leak from the side plate on the M21 tranny in my '62 Corvette (it's from a '64). I don't want to take the tranny out just to replace the gasket that's supposed to be there. It appears to me there is no gasket, just a bunch of "sealant". It appears to me that I should be able to take the shifter off, remove the side plate bolts, pull the side plate out about an inch, clean the surfaces, maneuver a gasket back (with sealant) on, put it all back together, etc. without taking the tranny out. Not much room to work, but I can reach all the bolts. I've tightened the nuts before, but it still leaks.
Do ya think this'll work? Welllll, do ya?
Do ya think this'll work? Welllll, do ya?