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Help! soft top

  • Thread starter Thread starter lou3606
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;help Does anybody have a link to a soft top frame adjustment instructions for a 59, about to start in the morning but have no proper instructions
Lou, the proper way to adjust a soft top frame on a C1 should be done PRIOR to installing the soft top to the frame. The windows should be cranked fully in the up position and the front header of the frame latched firmly to the front windshield in order to make the adjustments. When making the frame adjustments, make sure the weatherstripping is in place and lined up properly on the frame to match the windows.

NOW, if the soft top material is already on the frame, you will have a VERY difficult time adjusting the frame. The soft top materials do shrink over time and could make it impossible to adjust the frame properly without tearing the material or damaging the windshield frame.

Good luck. :beer
:) Thanks for your instructions I think I have it all done I am taking the car to the trim shope in the morning to get the soft top fitted, the frame is done the best I can see what the trimmer says thanks again

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