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Help! Spare tire color? Mossport green 66 Corvette


Mar 7, 2011
San Diego
1957 Fuely 4 speed
Can anyone tell me what color the spare tire carrier should be for my car? It is Mossport green 66 and the spare tire carrier is a faded green, but it looks to be a darker green than Mossport. It has some repairs on it that were poorly done many years ago and I would like to put it back to original.

Any help would be appreciated!

Bill Knight
San Diego, CA


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Can anyone tell me what color the spare tire carrier should be for my car? It is Mossport green 66 and the spare tire carrier is a faded green, but it looks to be a darker green than Mossport. It has some repairs on it that were poorly done many years ago and I would like to put it back to original.

Any help would be appreciated!

Bill Knight
San Diego, CA

The spare tire upper tub and lower tray are natural unpainted dark gray/charcoal-color fiberglass. The metal reinforcements on the lower tray are painted semi-gloss black, and the rivets are natural unpainted aluminum.



THanks so much John. My lower tray is as you described and much of the upper tub is also, except where the repairs were done. Both seem to have a slight green tint to them though.
Fiberglass is naturally semi-clear. Maybe they used a chopper spread with some pigment in it to get the gray.
I guess I have a difficult paint job to repair the reworked areas, but most will never be seen by anybody but me.
Thanks again!


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