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Squirrels and My Vette



I got a squirrel living in my garage and hes walking around on the hood of my Vette. He must move out. I have a haveaheart trap out there right now.... What ia a good bait to put in it????
Rich80 said:
I got a squirrel living in my garage and hes walking around on the hood of my Vette. He must move out. I have a haveaheart trap out there right now.... What ia a good bait to put in it????

From what I have seen here with my birdfeeders , birdfood !
Rich80 said:
I got a squirrel living in my garage and hes walking around on the hood of my Vette. He must move out. I have a haveaheart trap out there right now.... What ia a good bait to put in it????

Since the squirrel is obviously a Vette fan, I would think a small model of a Vette similar in color and style of what you own. Coated with rat pison, of course. If that doesn't do it, either start charging him rent or fall back to the 9MM option.
I agree with sharon,you have to find where they are coming in and stop the 'leak' or his brothers and sisters may be joining him to admire your vette up-close and personal

I found a cat getting on to my vette,When I see my neighbor that owns the cat,I will tell him next time his cat on my vette,it will FLY back to his house,IF I see it on my vette again!!!!(And it will be deceased!!!!)

Rich80 said:
I got a squirrel living in my garage and hes walking around on the hood of my Vette. He must move out. I have a haveaheart trap out there right now.... What ia a good bait to put in it????

"Good bait"? Another squirrel-----a dead one. That'll teach him. LOL

Rich80 said:
I got a squirrel living in my garage and hes walking around on the hood of my Vette. He must move out. I have a haveaheart trap out there right now.... What ia a good bait to put in it????


If that doesn't work use peanuts, then use the lead whilst the little bastad is occupied.

Step on my Vette will ya!
Yes... peanut butter and birdseed will work. Since you are using a haveaheart trap, will you be releasing the little guy back into the wild? Be careful, I've seen more than a few squirrels in those traps and they can get pretty mean if they're in there too long. :D Don't get bit when you release him!

Seriously, in my part of the woods they can carry the bubonic plague (or the fleas that vector the disease) so we have to be careful about handling traps with live squirrels.
Creamy peanut butter & seed as suggested ... they LOVE IT! Do be careful, it'll be angry & frightened ... and they bite & claw as fast as lightning! Please use the Havahart "no-kill" trap if at all possible & release ASAP.

If at all possible, Please don't poison or kill ... this time of year they're looking to nest. You do need to evict them now ... OR ... leave them until summer when the young are gone.

I know they're pests or worse for many folks ... but I did have a pet squirrel I raised from a day-old ... it lived for 6 years & thought I was multi-purpose mamma, tree & scratching post. I do NOT recommend squirrels as pets ... it was wrong & self-serving when I kept mine for life ... "Anson" would probably have been better off had I released her after a couple months ... although it's lifespan probably been much less.
Rich80 said:
I got a squirrel living in my garage and hes walking around on the hood of my Vette. He must move out. I have a haveaheart trap out there right now.... What ia a good bait to put in it????
peanut butter on crackers. When you set that trap only open it on one side. I opened both sides and the cracker was gone. He ran straight thru. My exterminator told me to release the varmit at least 5 miles away. They scent their territory and will return to the comfort of their last home. Good luck with them because they usually come in bunches. Our squirrel's came within a three week period, (like the marines). We finally got rid of "Rocky"
Well I finally caught him. Took him a few miles away and released him. Went in the garage today and sure enough he was sitting there with his middle finger up and said " Got any more peanut butter"? I guess there are a few in there so a few more catches ought to do it....
Rich80 said:
Well I finally caught him. Took him a few miles away and released him. Went in the garage today and sure enough he was sitting there with his middle finger up and said " Got any more peanut butter"? I guess there are a few in there so a few more catches ought to do it....
They are smart little varmits. They can do a lot of damage especially with their claws.I see your from Lansdale near RT 309 area. I used to use a great mechanic up there many years ago.
Over kill

76ers said:
If that doesn't do it, either start charging him rent or fall back to the 9MM option.

You hit a squirrel with a 9mm and there won't a a lot left and likely one big-azz hole somewhere else (like a wall, hood, window, ...etc) :D You gonna pop the rat use a nice .22 or pellet gun. Or I'll rent you my Jack Russell. Nary a squirrel, cat, mole, mouse within 200 yds of my place.

Good luck................ nut

Rich, after you find where they're coming in and close that gap, search for any other small opening like a mouse hole in the baeboard. Squirrels can squeese thru very small stuff- When u find an opening, stuff it with STEEL WOOL and forget it . Once they get a taste of that steel wool, they'll never come back to it. This works welll with your average rat/mouse too. No need to go cutting boards, vinyl, etc and making things match-just stuff the opening with the steel wool.
Hope you get em all and return them to the wild. As a kid I took my share of them while hunting, and have since learned what they mean to me-so I try to be nice to them. But they remember me, hense the reason they run off so fast when I'm near! hahahaha
Glad your approach seems to be working ... and thanks for doing the right thing.
Rich80 said:
Well I finally caught him. Took him a few miles away and released him. Went in the garage today and sure enough he was sitting there with his middle finger up and said " Got any more peanut butter"? I guess there are a few in there so a few more catches ought to do it....

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