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starter solenoid


Nov 5, 2011
Southampton, PA
1966 convertible - corvette blue
Today I tried starting my 1966 Corvette w/327. It would not crank although the radio, lights, and clock worked fine. After checking various connections and trying a jump w/o success, I hooked a jumper wire across the solenoid lugs and the car started right up. I then went online to find a replacement but only found a solenoid listed for a 1966 that mounted onto the starter. Additionally it was cylindrical where mine is a small square mounted at the front driver's side of the car. I have attached a photo of it here. I am confused and cannot find one that matches the one here.

I tried uploading a photo about 5 times w/o success. Sorry.
This is, I believe, actually the horn relay. Although I'm not quite sure what this has to do with tyhe ignition and starting the car.
The red wire on the screw terminal buss on the horn relay is the main power feed from the battery and alternator to the inside of the car, and is hot all the time; it feeds power to the ignition switch, among other things. The horn relay itself is unrelated to your starting problem.

What happens when you turn the key to "start"?

Can you clarify what terminals on the starter solenoid you used with the jumper wire that caused the car to start right up?

The red wire on the screw terminal buss on the horn relay is the main power feed from the battery and alternator to the inside of the car, and is hot all the time; it feeds power to the ignition switch, among other things. The horn relay itself is unrelated to your starting problem.

What happens when you turn the key to "start"?

Can you clarify what terminals on the starter solenoid you used with the jumper wire that caused the car to start right up?

There are two terminals on the horn relay facing the rear of the car. One is occupied by the red wire - on the left side -and the other side is empty. I placed a jumper across these terminals and the car started right up. After I got it home I took the wire off, turned the car off and tried starting it again. The car started w/o the wire in place. I also checked the horn and it is not working. My original post was incorrect; I did not jump the starter solenoid but the horn relay.

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