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starting problem for my '92

Hate to say it,

But you did need a tune up ( for all the wrong reasons).

My motto

If you didn't do it, it's not done correctly.


And I'm not going near the Size & Oil comments.
Vigman - you were absolutely correct and I never would have guessed it. I had absolute faith. Oh how you guys let us down!!!
Hey Now!

If I have read correctly, it was most of us GUYS
that pointed you in the correct direction, and your mechanic just fixed the wire. So it's not us guy's that are at fault...just the ONE you were romantic with.


defending the gender

Mike :P
Okay Okay - but emphasis on the "were" in the romantic sense please. Sometimes I do wake up and smell the fuel running rich!

When was the last time you had your fuel system serviced, and I assume your refering to Morning start up of your car...... not Rich ( fool..not Fuel)
( X beau ) running out of the bedroom.


I suppose I should have the fuel system checked as it has never been. One large payment at a time please. Anything in particular I should ask for? There was telltale exhaust suggesting a rich fuel mixture credited to the short spark plugs. Of course this problem has been corrected.

ps. no one runs out of my bedroom. too many locks and chains.
Fuelin around

I would run a can of fuel system cleaner in your car about once every 2 months.. now there has been a bunch of discussion about do it/don't do it

And I for one am a firm believer of doin it!

And now back to the fuel system.....

I use gumout it seems to work fine, maybe C4C5 has an idea on this.

And change your fuel filter. Both of these items are LOW buck... so your wallet ( purse ) wont have a tizzy!


Honest officer... i waznt dinkin

Weavin.... hell I can't even knit!
LOL- --

I have heard alot of don'ts about the gumout but will check with my new-found wonder mechanic on that issue plus the fuel filter.

I guess you're either for additives or against'm. Now what's your position on mounting ...OH NEVER MIND!
As for the fuel injector cleaners, the gasoline that's made today has additives in it that do very well at taking care of keeping the injectors clean, and unless your supplier of said gasoline has questionable storage and/or transfer facilities, there is no need to spend any extra money for them.

I worked for Chevron for twenty years making gasoline, avgas, jet, diesel, and various other fuels, and I'm not promoting Chevron here (no interest), but the reports that I've read indicate that Chevron's additive that they market as "Techron", is good to use if you don't use Chevron gasoline regularly.

There are different additives blended into the gasoline from the major oil companies, such as Techroline which is used in Chevron gasoline. There are also additives available from those same refiners, such as Techron Injector Cleaner, which is an injector and fuel system cleaning agent, 100% full strength, to be mixed with a full tank of fuel. Each refiner will tout their own as being the best, so go with whomever you choose.

Chevron gasoline with Techroline is nothing more than an additive to help clean your fuel system and to help keep your injectors from getting clogged. If you use Chevron gas on a normal basis, you don't need to add a can of Techron to your fuel at every fill-up.

If you do not use Chevron all the time, use a can of Techron every 3 months/5000 miles or so, as a preventative measure against refiners that do not offer a cleansing agent as Chevron does with the ingredient Techroline.

Hope it helps you guys with the additive thing.

Very interesting, Ken. And someone was telling me the other day I didn't need to use Premium as I always have and probably will. I have used STP fuel injector cleaner but not on a regular basis. Thanks!
I still burn premium in the Vette, no matter what anybody tells me, I figure I can afford that much, eh? However, when I finish with the engine, it'll no longer be an option, it'll be a "must". ;)

Injection is nice but I'd rather be blown

I use premium because the chip I have is specifically programmed to use 91+ octane. Here we have 93 and I can definately feel a difference (plus it gets rid of that insidious pinging).:s
Well I guess that settles the octane question. Ya gotta love that guy Ken - he's so refined... hehehe!
See I told you it would start a discussion

For those of you that use Chevron the Techroline thats also a good way to go. ALWAYS ALWAYS use the high octane GOOD fuels.

I'm with you on the high test. I only use 93 octane. Now that's interesting as jj says that you're a refined kinda guy :D
Chevron is hard to find around here. I've used Exxon for many years but switched to Amoco due to convenience of the gas station. Supposedly Amoco has cleaners/treatment in their premium. So would you still put the Techroline in there every 3-5k mi? Or is that contradicting the additives that Amoco uses?
And Ken, maybe you can answer this question for me. Just when does Chevron mix in those super duper additives? I worked at Port Everglades, major importer and home of mucho fuel farms for many years. I watched as tanker after tanker from every mom and pop gas station you can image pulled up to THE pumps and filled up with Chevron, Mobil, Hess, whatever, and drove away. Just curious!
JJ, I have been away from the refinery for two years almost, so my memory was failing me, but I just got off the phone with the Operating Assistant of the Blending and Shipping division at the refinery.

He confirmed what I initially thought (but was not going to say until I was sure), that the additives are added at the terminals. The "mom-and-pop" independents have the option of purchasing the additives at that time if they wish.

As for whose additive is the best, well, that's up to the consumer to decide. I don't use additves to keep the injectors clean, other than what is in the gasoline to begin with.

A good fuel filter helps too! :L


ps. no one runs out of my bedroom. too many locks and chains.

Party?? Chips, dips, chains, whips.... :cool
Topless - Actually the locks and chains are on the door to keep'm in (think Rocky Horror Picture Show). And we certainly do have more than our fair share of chips and dips, chads, terrorists, anthrax, etc. in south FL. Also the highest number of Corvettes registered in the good old US of A.

Good news is, the fuel filter is on the way. :J :J

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