I purchased my '86 about a year ago. I was having intermitten starting problems. I thought it might be related to the security system and a problem with the chip in my ignition key. I started using the second key that I received when I bought the car and I haven't had a starting problem for about nine months until last week. I had a short trip to church. About two hours later it wouldn't start. Just completely dead, no click or anything, like had happened with the other key many months before. I tried it about an hour later and it fired right up.
When the ingnition switch went out on mine, it did it all at once. There was no warning and I had to call a flat bed. The starter solenoid failed on me as well, and I had some small indication, for instance when the car was hot and I tried to start it, nothing. I tracked grounds, but I replaced the solenoid and the problem was fixed. It is perhaps that the resistors in your keys are not accurate enough. I believe if the wrong resistor value is detected the car will not start for a certain period of time. I found this out working on my girlfriends car when i intalled an alarm. The fact that it worked fine for such a long period of time makes me think perhaps the lock cylinder is faulty. If you had a bad ground or an electrical problem I wouldn't think it would go away for that long. I hope someone else can give you some more advice.
A simple check on your "Jump Start Junction Block", underneath the battery might solve the problem. 8 main electrical connections are at that block, including the starter motor. If you have bad connections, all kinds of grimmlens happen to the car. Start the car and feel the large red 12g wire going from the battery to the box. If it's hot hot hot, ya got a bad connection. If the connections look correded, take it all apart and clean em......hope this helps a little....
My 87 did the same thing, It acts like a dead battery but will start uup in a short time. It was the VATS system doing this. Try disconnecting the negative battery lead when it happens for about three minutes. When you reconnect it, it should start. If so, it's the VATS. Mid America has a VATS by-pass you can hook up and elininate the problem. It worked for me. Or stop going to chuch.
VATS for me as well. If you go back to my second ever post here and follow along, you can learn more about the VATS than you'll wish you ever had too :L
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