Just bought my Steeroids Rack & Pinion!! Woo Hoo!! :cool Talked to Eric and Randy @ Speed Direct (888-425-2776) about running the rack manually. "No Problem" They made a change to the input shaft support brackets to make them stronger to handle the extra torque required to turn the rack manually. They said the rack would be fine operated manually without the power assist and to leave the shipping plugs in place. Although, I plan on making a bypass / recirc hose to hook up the power assist inlet to the outlet to prevent a vacuum or pressure buildup. Eric also gave me a discount price and sold the rack without the power steering hoses for $913.00 and $35.00 shipping delivered to my door. (If yo want the complete kit it's $983.00 with hoses + shipping) Just mention this forum and that you heard it from me and you will get this price! Man, I'm just StingRayCrazy!!! :crazy
P.S. Check out my web pages new look!!
P.S. Check out my web pages new look!!