Chevy made different engines with different amouts of displacement (volume).
You gotta ask yourself "how can I make a glass of water hold more water?"
1. You can make the glass taller
2. You can increase the diameter.
With a "stroker" you can do both.
See a stock SBC 350 has a 4" diameter bore and a 3.48" stroke. In other words how far up and down the piston will move.
With a "stroker" you are basically putting in a bigger crankshaft that what was intended.
For example a 400c.i. SBC has a 4" diameter with a 3.75" stroke BUT the beauty of it is you can drop in a crankshaft intended for a 400c.i. engine into a 350 c.i. engine.
Now instead of a 3.48" stroke you have a 3.75" stroke. You just made the glass of water taller (i.e. more volume) Whats cool is that you can increase the diameter of the cylinder as well. A 350 can be bored out to a .06 overbore within safe limits. Typically the blocks are bored out to .03.
Once you do the math a 4.03 bore x 3.75" stroke gives you 383 cubic inches of displacement. If you go with a 4.06 bore you'll get 388c.i.
More displacement means more power.
Because of the longer stroke and essentially the longer throw of the crank 383's make more low end torque as a result of both more displacement and longer throw.BUT they tend not to be to rev happy. But can be made to be if you use a longer rod