Could use a bit of expertise from fellow forum members.
Today I got a voltage fault on the DIC so I switch to the voltage readout and I was at 11.5 volts. Tried reving the engine with no change to voltage, so I turned around and headed home. Got home and voltage had steadly dropped to 10.9. Hooked it up to the charger and then read the codes:
P1637 H Generator L-Terminal Circuit
P1638 H C Generator F-Terminal Circuit
Does this indicate a bad alternator?
Battery was replaced with Optima Red Top 90 days ago
Vehicle is 2000 Convertible
Thanks in advance for your help,
Today I got a voltage fault on the DIC so I switch to the voltage readout and I was at 11.5 volts. Tried reving the engine with no change to voltage, so I turned around and headed home. Got home and voltage had steadly dropped to 10.9. Hooked it up to the charger and then read the codes:
P1637 H Generator L-Terminal Circuit
P1638 H C Generator F-Terminal Circuit
Does this indicate a bad alternator?
Battery was replaced with Optima Red Top 90 days ago
Vehicle is 2000 Convertible
Thanks in advance for your help,