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Question: sway bar measurements


Mar 1, 2009
'62 Nova with IRS. Like a Vette with a back seat.
I can call my '62 Nova (ZZ4 crate) a Corvette with a back seat, as it has Heidt's IRS and weighs about 3100 pounds. But it does not have a rear sway bar. Can anyone tell me the width and depth of the early Corvette sway bars? They are 7/16", but I need to know will I be able to fit it between the hubs and mount to the frame without too much weirdness.
P.S. I now see this should be in the 1968-1982 section, but don't know how to move it.
I don't have that overall width dimension, but you don't want to add a rear stabilizer bar without a corresponding increase in diameter of the front bar. If you just add a rear bar, it will increase rear roll stiffness, which will generate oversteer, especially in transient maneuvers near the limit.

The car is sort of a work in progress. The front end is a Heidt's subframe and Mustang II suspension. Had no front sway bar when I got it, and was much improved by adding one, but still pushes some. So I want to try a skinny 7/16" bar in the back.
61 rear sway bar measurements

The bar at longest point is 48" and inside mounting brackets are at 36". I hope this will help you. Ace

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