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Synthetic Oil

  • Thread starter Thread starter Don Strausburg
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Don Strausburg

I have a 1964 coupe with a 327 300hp. The car has just turned over 50,000 originalo miles. I have been using a high quality motor oil. I am wondering if it would be good for me to use Red Line synthetic since the car sits for six months during the winter. I have red line in my tranny and rear end, it really makes a difference, especially in the tranny. Shifts much smoother. If I use the synthetic what weight should I go with. Thanks to all who respond.:w
I have a 1964 coupe with a 327 300hp. The car has just turned over 50,000 originalo miles. I have been using a high quality motor oil. I am wondering if it would be good for me to use Red Line synthetic since the car sits for six months during the winter. I have red line in my tranny and rear end, it really makes a difference, especially in the tranny. Shifts much smoother. If I use the synthetic what weight should I go with. Thanks to all who respond.:w
NO!! Don't do it!! The old seals may start leaking!!! Been There,Done That!!:thumb
Thanks for the info JUNK. I will take your advice and not do it. Glad I did this post first. You may have saved me alot of problems in the future.:w
Thanks for the info JUNK. I will take your advice and not do it. Glad I did this post first. You may have saved me alot of problems in the future.:w
Don't get me wrong,Red Line and Other synthetic lubricants are A-OK in my book!!But on a engine that old I just wouldn't chance it,I've seen people do it and get away with it!!But I've also seen everything from rear and front main seals leaking afterwords to gaskets seeping everywhere!!I've even seen it clean every bit of gunk out of the engine and plug the oil pump screen!!:ohnoes:ohnoes:ugh:puke
Yeah Junk, someone else told me it could clean out my engine and deposit a bunch of sludge in my oil pan. Not something I would want to happen. NO SYNTHETIC in motor for me. It really did make a BIG difference in my tranny though. I'm glad I did that. Shifts really smoothe and no noise at all.:beer

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