Your ’94 is BEAUTIFUL!
I really like that color, I have been hard pressed to find Copper Metallic recently. Glad you mentioned that the 66U was used back on the ’86. I wasn’t aware that they were the same color. I did see one of the ’86 Corvettes Coppers once. It was at a Corvette specialty dealer in Springfield, OH. The dealer was Mershons. They had it in the showroom, wasn’t there very long.
I think the year before last, The National Corvette Museums (NCM) Copper vert with the grey interior/white top was displayed at Bob McDormans annual Corvette show. The combo was very, very nice. I’m pretty sure that it was an automatic. I unfortunately didn’t get a picture of it, it had the NCM logo in the center of the hood.
McDorman has two of the Copper cars in his personal collection, a coupe and hardtop convertible. The coupe has a black interior, has 996 miles on the odo. The hardtop vert has the beige interior, I think the mileage on that one is in the single digits. The Copper vert that is currently on sale at Rogers was originally owned by the owner of Buds Chevrolet, in St. Marys Ohio. Buds owner sold off part of his collection, Mr. McDorman picked-up several of the cars in his purchase -- one of them was the Copper vert. McDorman sold it to Rogers in Florida, Its configuration is one of three produced.