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Help! Testing water temp gauge and sender


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2008
66 Roadster Glen Green/Saddle
My wate temp guage worked fine on first start of rebuilt engine with old dash wire harness. Put in new dash harness with old guage and guage did a 360. John Z wrote on correct pin placement and wire placement of gauge. (see old thread). Hooked up guage and still does 360. Next I put a volt meter on pink and green wires at plug. Volts show 10 + with key on. No volts with key off. Put volts meter on sending unit. Plus to bat and neg to top of sending unit. Read 10+. Touched grounded part of sending unit , got 10+ volts. Should the sending unit show less volts if working properly. The car temp is about 31 degrees in my unheated garage. Is it the guage or the sending unit that has gone bad.

Just found thread that anwsered my question at:::http://www.lbfun.com/warehouse/tech...ents/Temp-Sending-Unit-and-GaugeCF-Thread.pdf

Great info



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