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The 572 build, is finally over

Bob: congratulations on completing this build. Great looking car. I know you worked your tail off on it. Good On Ya.

Rich Lagasse forgot one thing to mention in his planning phase. The only reason to have a plan is so that when everything you are attempting to do goes to krap you can tell everyone; at least I HAD a plan.;LOL

Hence my post... Which was intended to show that your ride To me is a better build and better engineered and worth more.

Now ..I have to say...that the KingRay is a Fine Corvette built by some very smart people and is a very hi quality build. And I must give credit where credit is due. I saw the King Ray in Person and it's a beautiful Corvette. A Corvette anyone would love to own.

But I would rather spend more and buy your Build. That's just my $.02 worth.:D

Mark, i'll take that two cents as a deposit on the next build:beer

I'm sorry for my comments, knowing you, I really should have known better, and I do appreaciate the complemints, and kind words. :thumb I'm thinking maby it's because of what I'm smoking these days :naughty:

On another subject ( I can hijack this, since it's my post ) guess what I started to build today. ? The photo below should give you a clue, so stay tuned....

Drive safe my Friend

On another subject ( I can hijack this, since it's my post )


......guess what I started to build today. ? The photo below should give you a clue, so stay tuned....

Oh, oh..............I know......I know. :W

Mark, i'll take that two cents as a deposit on the next build:beer

I'm sorry for my comments, knowing you, I really should have known better, and I do appreaciate the complemints, and kind words. :thumb I'm thinking maby it's because of what I'm smoking these days :naughty:

On another subject ( I can hijack this, since it's my post ) guess what I started to build today. ? The photo below should give you a clue, so stay tuned....

Drive safe my Friend


Whish I could Afford a Ride like you just finished.. I love the interior and the attention to detail.

Well, we know it's an SRIII frame..but not sure what motors going in there unless it'a a dupe for your self of what you just finished..Less the BG Tri Power .L.O.L.

And do me a favor...Store those cans of gas in a metal locker:D ..that could be a bad thing if a spark from a grinder were to jump in that direction:ohnoes

Work Safe My Friend...:beer
To clear things up

Mark, the red cans seen in the above photo, are not gas cans, they are empty dog biscuit pails, that I use to recycle steel and aluminum during my work.

As for the engine in the upcoming build, there is no way I can afford to purchase a 572 for my own use, so I have decided to build my own Big Block. I have just purchased the latest gen IV 540 ci BowTie block from the General # 25534363, and I am in the process of sourcing all the necessary parts in order to get ready for assembly.

The engine will be mated to a Tremec TKO 600, using a HD clutch, a Lakewood scattershield, and coupled to the rear curtesy of " Dynotech " shafts ( 3 ), and a Dana 44.

The figures in the graph have just been recieved from my engine builder, and during the past ten years, his projections have never been off by more then 2 to 3 %, once the engine is hooked up to the engine dyno. This should turn out to be a very interesting build.

Check closely the two columns that I have circled in the graph, and consider these specs as using only using normal aspiration. I am still considering the use of " Procharger, to run it up 10 to 12 lbs of boost, and if I do, it should put me into the four figures.:thumb

Really looking forward to this build.


P.S. Once again a big thank you to all who have responded to my post, and commented on my work, It means a lot coming from you people.
Did you have any problems with the fit of the headers due to the tall deck block?

Nope, they bolted right up tight against the block " Sanderson blockhuggers ", and had I not known that it was a tall deck, I would not have been able to tell the difference.

Mark, the red cans seen in the above photo, are not gas cans, they are empty dog biscuit pails, that I use to recycle steel and aluminum during my work.

As for the engine in the upcoming build, there is no way I can afford to purchase a 572 for my own use, so I have decided to build my own Big Block. I have just purchased the latest gen IV 540 ci BowTie block from the General # 25534363, and I am in the process of sourcing all the necessary parts in order to get ready for assembly.

The engine will be mated to a Tremec TKO 600, using a HD clutch, a Lakewood scattershield, and coupled to the rear curtesy of " Dynotech " shafts ( 3 ), and a Dana 44.

The figures in the graph have just been recieved from my engine builder, and during the past ten years, his projections have never been off by more then 2 to 3 %, once the engine is hooked up to the engine dyno. This should turn out to be a very interesting build.

Check closely the two columns that I have circled in the graph, and consider these specs as using only using normal aspiration. I am still considering the use of " Procharger, to run it up 10 to 12 lbs of boost, and if I do, it should put me into the four figures.:thumb

Really looking forward to this build.


P.S. Once again a big thank you to all who have responded to my post, and commented on my work, It means a lot coming from you people.

12 lbs Of boost..!!! I can see the headlines now..." First Supercahrged Canadian Built Corvette enters Low Earth Orbit"....;LOL

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