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The Car is packed and Canada awaits

Jack, you have had two of the most incredible trips I have ever seen! I
sure wish that I would have been able to accompany you on one of them.
Gotta be the "Dream trip of a lifetime". I, for one, are hoping that you
decide to do a yearly trip and document it for those of us not fortunate enough
to be able to go with you. :thumb:thumb:thumb
Andy Anderson
and...............Glad you're back home safe and sound!
Jack in Rochester, NY

​Jack arrived in town Sunday and made an appearance at the Rochester Corvette Club picnic. Too bad he had such a hard time attracting a crowd...of more than 100 people. It was great to see him, and his car. He was just as advertised, a really nice guy and a true icon of the Corvette world. I feel fortunate to have met him and it was a pleasure having him stay with us. Come back anytime, Jack.


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So , this is what happened on the way to Novi

I left Ottawa and my power steering unit was damaged by pilot error. After driving 100 miles with a not very responsive car, I took off the belt and drove the rest of the way to Novi. A power steering car without power steering.

Got the convention and asked about finding a new unit as the 1000 mile drive home in that condition did not appeal to me.

Found out that Paragon Reproductions was only a short distance away and I called and found out they had the part.

My intention was to pick up the part and install in somewhere on the way home.

I was about to leave when the President of Paragon, Steve Childs, was introduced to me. I told him of my problem, and that I was doing a presentation at the NCRS convention and that I was going to try to fix the problem with my car.

He said lets look at it, and in a few moments , my car was on a lift.

Once we saw the damage, the mechanic got to work and within a few hours I was on my way back to the convention , with a car that would now steer the way a corvette should. (no comments please)

I just want to give my endorsement to Paragon, I had not done business with them before, but will from now on. I got a tour of the facility and was very impressed with the production methods and work force knowledge and customer first altitude.

Here are some pictures of Steve and the facility. My thanks to Steve, Dave and the rest for their help in my time of need.



Steve look at my car


Mary Beth taking my order


Steve in the bone yard


Dan making sure you get the right part shipped


Thanks again Steve for making my trip to Novi a great one


I have two lost days after that, but that's another story and when I get home tomorrow, after a quick 500 mile ride, I will post pictures of Novi, cars and friends who made it possible

That means Mike, Robbie, Tom, Bob, Paul, Don, Frank and Kevin

Just too tired tonight



Home at last, Rochester NY to ME 500 miles 10 hrs driving time. priceless

Rest and later maybe posts. Lots of pictures and stories to come , but tonight, I am home and comfy.......

Thanks to all for a dream trip

Do you believe this

Hi Lost Boys,

And the rest of forum members who have followed some of my adventures.

As some of you may know, I was honored to be asked to give a presentation of my personal corvette trip in my 66 roadster to all 48 States, at the Novi, MI, NCRS National Convention last month.

After some adventures and two days of driving across Canada from Maine to Novi, MI, I finally make it to the convention center. It is 7 am and there are very few cars in the " Secured " parking area for Corvette.

I park my car, and slowly get out, I use to get out faster , but you know how it is.

And I hear a voice saying " Jack ? " I look around who should be the very first person that I meet at the NCRS show ?

Erik Stroeve, a member of the Dutch NCRS Chapter. He was attending the convention and acting as an "Observer Judge" on C3 or C4's.

He recognized my plate " L79-66 " from my posts on the 48 state trip and possible European trip. I am sorry but I did not think to take his picture.

Just imagine, you drive haft-way across America to the heartland of American cars, and you meet a fellow enthusiast from Holland.

The convention was great and I will give follow up posts on it and my trip home shortly.

I would like to thank all of you for allowing me to play " Peter Pan & the Lost Corvette Boys " for the last few years.

Life has dictated that " Peter and gang stay in the garage for a little while.

I look forward to posting and saying thank you, to some great people.

Glad you're home safe and sound with some awesome memories!
Andy Anderson :w
The NCRS Convention

Well , I snuck out to the garage to play with Peter and the boys. No one is home and I thought you would like to know more about the NCRS convention.

My host for my stay in Novi, was Don Lowe, a member of the Michigan chapter of NCRS that was hosting the convention. Don invited me to visit last summer and many of the Michigan Chapter showed up with their cars on Woodward Blvd. to greet me.


Don had also entered his 72 for Top Flight Judging and was awarded the Blue Ribbon. Now he can drive his car in any weather..........





I also learned a great deal about NCRS, the judging, the political aspects, the modelers, the drivers and the many facets of the organization.

Some members belong to have their car judged and that is all
Some join for the social aspects
Some join for the judging and steps to move up to become a master judge
Some join for the knowledge and help that can be available to restore our cars

It may not be the cup of tea for everyone, but I certainly respect and admire the hard work that many of the members do, to promote NCRS goals, even though I may not understand how you can just look at a car and not drive it.

My presentation was well received and I had a great time telling stories about my travels and the many great people that I had met along the road. I was not able to tape the presentation, but the slides are available at the NCRS web site.

I will post more on my trip back to Maine later. Ops, I hear sounds , better get back to the house

Snuck back out to garage

I had urgent business at home,(running out of pixie dust) so I had to get from Michigan to Maine by 5 pm on Monday.

I left Novi on Friday and made a much needed stop in Ohio at "midyearvette" aka "Knuckles" , I have never asked how he got that nick name.

Quick trip of only 120 miles. Frank and his wife Kathy rescued me last year with their summer home on Lake Erie . We worked on the car timing and the Holley and it was humming before I left.

Here are some pictures

Frank all set to work


Don't ask me what I was doing


Frank, Kathy , Jane (Kath's sister took picture) Bob friend of Jane


Rock Climbing and beating the 100 degree weather at their beach, that had started the moment I left Maine 6 days before.



I was able to spend two days with them and take a rest before the real
trip home. I had to cover 300 miles to Rochester to meet members of the Rochester Corvette Club by 5 pm on Sunday. I left Ohio Sunday around 9 am and made it on time.

My host in Rochester for Sunday night was Kevin McTighe and his wife Harriet.

The Rochester CC outing was great, over 100 members attended and food and drink was abundant.




Kevin and Harriet on the move



I had to leave on Monday morning from Rochester NY and get to Cape Elizabeth , Maine by 5 pm that day. A short trip of 502 miles.

Long drive of 10 hrs. Car ran great , but I was a little worn out and it has taken a few days to recover. Old cars run better than old bodies.

Thanks again to the many forum members and families who have made my adventures.........Adventures

love to all

Perfect 1966 Cars at Novi NCRS Convention

Just thought I would share some of the 1966 cars that I saw at Novi, NCRS convention. The only problem was that the cars were always locked and hood closed when ever I was on the floor, too bad that even at a show, the owners are a little over protective. So no engine photos, and I did want to see what they had under the hood that I didn't have.............




<a href="http://s633.photobucket.com/albums/uu57/jackfit87/NCRS%20%20DON%20Paragon%20car%20fix/?action=view&current=NCRSshowdonPagonCarfis010.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i633.photobucket.com/albums/uu57/jackfit87/NCRS%20%20DON%20Paragon%20car%20fix/NCRSshowdonPagonCarfis010.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
<a href="http://s633.photobucket.com/albums/uu57/jackfit87/NCRS%20%20DON%20Paragon%20car%20fix/?action=view&current=NCRSshowdonPagonCarfis011.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i633.photobucket.com/albums/uu57/jackfit87/NCRS%20%20DON%20Paragon%20car%20fix/NCRSshowdonPagonCarfis011.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Opps how did this one get in


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