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The new Caddie Vette

iron cross

Well-known member
Feb 18, 2003
Dearborn Mi.
Unrestored one owner 1962 Black FI car
I just talked with Bob Lutz as he drove one of the new Caddies and he said it was a unreleased new platform. Trick top and stuff. for only $75,000 and a Northstar 32 valve engine. One all black, and the other was silver at Stanfords Vette show in Dearborn. The Black one was full of orange peel, not very good for a car costing that much and a Earl Shibe paint job. Maybe his eyes are not that good anymore because if he really saw that flaw i`m sure he would not have brought that one to the show.;LOL
Dont Worry, At the close of 2003 production (in about 2 weeks) the BG plant paint shop will get revamped so the 2004 model year Vette and Cadillac XLR will get smoother nicer paint. This is why XLR has been a bit delayed to production, but the paint shop refurb has always been in the plan. Saleable XLRs are now slated to begin production about mid July when all of GM comes back from its summer shutdown. It will be the last week in June and the first two weeks in July when the paint shop will be re tuned. :D
CFour how do you get this info? Its great by the way. One thing though will the 6.0 be the standard engine in the C6 when it debuts?
Cfour's secret identity is Dave Hill, wears a big C on his chest and a cape - oops, forgot I promised not to tell. Sorry CFour.
LongTimer said:
Cfour's secret identity is Dave Hill, wears a big C on his chest and a cape - oops, forgot I promised not to tell. Sorry CFour.
;LOL Are you sure about this!? Maybe that explains why he's so sensitive sometimes. :L :L
YES INDEED "C" FOR CADILLAC!!!!! :D THAT AINT ME my "C" is for Corvette:L
Question. I rerad in Motor trend this month about the XLR, and it stated that they were currently for sale. If that's true, then they were painted in the old paint shed?????:confused :confused
Good question since Cfour just saw XLRs on a car carrier???!!!

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