In my experience, where the ground cable connects to the frame can be a problem at times. It's in a exposed position where it gets splashed by the left rear wheel. I clean this connection from time to time and after the cable end is bolted up tight to the frame, I smear a light coat of silicone grease over the cable end and the area of the frame around the connection.
Factory aluminum battery cables - Again, in my experience, where problems arise with the cables is usually when people cut off the factory ends and replace them with a repair clamp. That always a problem area with a repair clamp. If there is a problem with the cable, it usually shows up as a swelled up area under the cable jacket. It's the positive cable that's a pain to inspect, since it runs down the transmission tunnel under the tunnel insulation pad. It's also a pain to replace. The other thing is there isn't a generic positive cable available, due to it's 95-96 inch length.
Also, if the aluminum ground cable is problematic, then the positive cable should be also. Replacing one cable only addresses half the potential problem.
If one suspects that there is a problem with the starter, most parts houses will test the starter for you, usually for free. If you just blindly replace the starter when having problems, well, shame on you for not fully checking it all out.
2/0 welding cable, with the proper end clamps makes an excellent battery cable.
Problems with aluminum wire lies in the end connections, especially when connecting to copper wire. All your major power transmission cables is made using aluminum.
With that, I'm out of here. It's Beer Friday and I hear a cold Shiner Bock calling me.