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These are new to me!


Here we go again.:nono
Excuse me? I assume you are referring to the so-called "embargo" thing.

Attention people:

This is on Road&Track's website!!!!!

These ARE NOT illegally obtained or unsupported pictures by GM. If they were, Road & Track wouldn't be able to show them! I respect not showing pictures GM doesn't want shown yet, but obviously Road&Track got the "OK" to put these up.

Good lord.........is this even a forum anymore?!

Thanks, I hadn't seen these.

What is the :nono :nono about?

Im extremely sick of the embargo thing i really dont think GM CARES if we look at pictures of their cars. Especially seeing as how its already been on TV! Honestly im the customer im always right if i wanna see the car i wanna see the car.
I Could Care Less

On this site, it's what Rob respects, NOT me, NOT you, NOT Road & Track, no offense. It really doesn't matter where they come from, it's the fact that they show up on THIS site that may matter to Rob.:upthumbs
On this site, it's what Rob respects, NOT me, NOT you, NOT Road & Track, no offense

I understand this. However, that isn't the issue here. Rob doesn't have a problem with posting pictures of the C6. It's the fact that a few promotional pictures of the car from GM were leaked before they were to be officially released, and GM didn't want them shown. At least, this is what Rob has said.

These Road&Track pictures clearly have GM's blessing, so that is why I posted them.

I advise you to go read Rob's post about the embargo at the top of this page, and get your facts straight, before you start waving your finger at me.

Now if I'm wrong about that, and Rob doesn't want legal pictures of the C6 posted, then it's time I found a new place to get Corvette news.

I agree,I think the embargo is a wash out,besides we are only hours away from the precious embargo ending.And as for the pics showing up on this site being the problem,anyone who can get to this site can get to road and tracks site so whats the difference.
I agree with Brett, and have always been aware of the "embargo".
All I know is that my computer will be on CAC at 12:01 a.m. this morning!!!

Corvette Action Center to Have First C6 Exclusive on January 1, 2004

We are proud to announce that on January 1, 2004, the Corvette Action Center will be one of the few Corvette sites on the web to have an exclusive, first impression article on the 2005 C6 Corvette.

Automotive writer, Hib Halverson, will give his first impressions of the C6 Corvette which he recently viewed at a press conference. We will also provide preliminary specifications and post some images of the C6 along with Halverson's story.

GM has embargoed this information until 12:01am EST on January 1, 2004. Check back here after that time for one of the first, comprehensive reports on C6!
Ctfoodguy2000 said:
All I know is that my computer will be on CAC at 12:01 a.m. this morning!!!

Corvette Action Center to Have First C6 Exclusive on January 1, 2004

We are proud to announce that on January 1, 2004, the Corvette Action Center will be one of the few Corvette sites on the web to have an exclusive, first impression article on the 2005 C6 Corvette.

Automotive writer, Hib Halverson, will give his first impressions of the C6 Corvette

No Doubt :upthumbs
I was aware of that as well, and I am really looking forward to reading it.

And added to that, I am looking forward to his comments because I have read a lot of Hib's work, and trust it because he has a lot of background with Corvettes.

Meet you here at 12:01!

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