How'd you do the U-joint? The old squeeze in a bench vise way? That's how I always did them. One day I had a machine shop do them. When the owner was giving me back the driveshaft, he proudly showed me how easily they moved. I asked him if that was important, because with my bench vise way, they didn't always turn out that way, and I figured they would loosen and work themselves out with a few miles. He looked at me like I was a Neanderthal. He then explained to me that the bench vise method squeezes the flanges together. With the flanges now closer together, you've got to squeeze the U-joint cap tight in order to get the clips on. That's what makes them tight. That leads to vibration and early failure. The way the machine shop does them is to support the flange while the U-joint is pushed out with a press.