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Time to brag about your lift

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This could be a deluxe option or just get the jack tray for a four post lift.

So if I may ask a question, I was planning to get a 2 post lift so I can work on the suspension up in the air. I realize its not good to store a car up on a 2 post lift,

In my grease filled youth the service stations all had a single post - center of it all lift, we still did exhaust work, removed tranies etc... I can say that the 4 post drive-on lift is by far superior to that with plenty of clearance.

I bought an extra jack tray for mine thinking I would want to lift all 4 corners and have yet to use it. I have lifted both sides of either end using bottle jacks and it works very easily. If I wanted I could lift both ends set jack stands and remove all 4.

I have also used a 2 post lift and for purely mechanical purposes loved it but I settled on the 4 post for all around use including parking.
I should add the first time I cleaned the wheels and tires on baby the lift became a real member of the family. The knees aint as flexible as they used to be...
I have a two post lift and have had several cars up on it for extended periods, why would a 9000 lb lift not be capable of "Parking" a 3500 Lb car for the winter. The weight is on the locks not the cables and cylinders; just curious as to why a two post shouldn't be used to park.
Well, the popular opinion is that it is not good to store the car with the suspension at full droop. Some people site the posibility of distorting the bushings and possible damage to shock stored at full extension. I'm not sure if anyone has any hard facts, but I must say that it seems to be that it cant be good for the entire weight of the car to be supported near the center of the frame for long periodas of time. My thoughts on the issue are that if a vehicle is designed to rest on all 4 tires, then it is very hard to predict the reaction of the components when not stored as designed.

Justr My .02

For suspension work on my 4-post lift, I use an air jack on the sliding jack tray under the front crossmember (with a piece of 2x12 on the jack so it doesn't dent the bottom of the crossmember) to raise the car, then place jackstands, and remove the air jack. Lots easier than horsing a regular jack up there or using bottle jacks. :)
That is a nice looking piece of equipment John. Where can I get one? Also is it OK to jack all vettes, or at least c-1 through c-4, by that cross member as long as you use some type of board to spred the weight?
Super Garage Lift

Here's a great "lift" for anyones garage.

That is a nice looking piece of equipment John. Where can I get one? Also is it OK to jack all vettes, or at least c-1 through c-4, by that cross member as long as you use some type of board to spred the weight?

It's an Arcan #AXL-18 air jack, bought it from Costco on-line (costco.com) last January; it's 6" high compressed, 18" high fully extended, will lift 3600#. Don't know if Costco on-line still has it or not - if not, you can reach Arcan at arcanusa@bellsouth.net or (800) 879-7316.

You have to jack the front of C-1's with a saddle that spans the third arm bracket so it bears only on the crossmember, C2-C3 are fine with something to span the sheet metal on the bottom of the crossmember; don't know about C4's - have never worked on one.

I have owned a Pro Park for over 5 years, and am still as pleased with it as the day I bought it. Pretty hard to beat the price as well!

Regards, John McGraw
Hey Truck Guy,
How high is the ceiling in that garage? I only have 9' 2" without raising it. It looks like yours may not be to high either. I'm hopeing to have enough height for 2 Vettes, but just like you I don't think my Blazer is going to fit underneath.

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