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Tire Chatter on C7?


New member
Nov 10, 2013
Is it true what they say about the front end wheels on C7's ? Is it really tire chatter if so it is so annoying, feels like the front end is coming apart.
FRONT wheel chatter? Not familiar with it. Vettes are noted for rear wheel chatter - the wider the wheel, the more noticeable.
Ditto catbert, front wheels are independent so the rotational speed difference going around a corner doesn't matter.
Tire Chatter

When they are cold and you make a sharp turn like turning out of the driveway. After they get warm and you do the same thing it will not be as noticeable. I had the same problem with my 2010 GS with Good Years, changed to Michelins, same problem, same on my 2015 Z51 Convert.
The tires are just so big. (To say the front end is coming off is a little over the top)

Rich, Aiken SC

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