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Tires on 6.5 Rims


May 7, 2009
Fulton, NY
1962 Hardtop Convertible
Hey, has anyone out there put regular radial tires on thier original stock factory rims?

I have the replacement (replica) tires on mine now and do not like the look or the performance of them.

If you have put regular tires on the rims, what kind of tire was it? Have you had any problems with them?

Any and all information would be greatly appreciated.

I have 215/75x15 Michelin HydroEdge radials on my '66. They are close to being the same diameter/circumference as the OE size so speedometer isn't off by that much. I also replaced the knock-off wheels (I stored them) with American Racing Torque Thrust D's (15"x6" OE size) The ride is smooth/quiet. Radial tires are also mounted on the stock knock-offs.
I want to put 17"x 8" American Thrusters on my car with 235-55 tires/Sumitomo tires.

Anybody have any ideas as of ride and performance...

Have original 675-15 0n there now...want to change looks from stock.

Red 62
Dunlap sp 60 215 r70 15

Hey, has anyone out there put regular radial tires on thier original stock factory rims?

I have the replacement (replica) tires on mine now and do not like the look or the performance of them.

If you have put regular tires on the rims, what kind of tire was it? Have you had any problems with them?

Any and all information would be greatly appreciated.


Original66 rims from L79 roadster See if you like the look

Ride great about $80 each
Hey, has anyone out there put regular radial tires on thier original stock factory rims?

The title of your post says "6.5" rims", but the stock rims on C1's were 5" (or 5.5" with the RPO 276 wide wheels).

The radial replacement size for the original 6.70-15 tires is 205/75-15, and they work fine on the stock 5" rims; photo below shows them on my '57. :)


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