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Tomorrow we’ll show you the C7 Corvette (can't say if its real or BS but here goes)

Do Not Think It's Real

Maybe some symbolence of things to come, but not the exact deal.....IMO....I'm with the other guy....I would think that GM WOULD like the hype over any of their cars for that matter. As long a the hype is a positive one.....

The back looks like a Camaro.
The lines on top of rear fenders remind me of Porsche.
The back lines over rear deck remind me of (new) Ferarri.

I would not buy a "CamarO" look alike. The rear reminds of same.

There's nothing there that will cause me to part with my C6 Z06.

I know it's supposed to handle better (rumor mill) than C6. The front is too long and it will definitely scrape just like the present model but this one even more so.

Are thet going to have a Z06/ZR1 (or a Z model at that) model?

I do like the vent in the hood. The C6 needs that to help vent the heat from engine bay.

Overall, does not really "trip my trigger" :ugh.....I hope the design would be tweaked a little more like the new Ferarri :cool!:....that trips my trigger.....beautiful cars indeed.

FWIW....thanks for letting me know

I should add, IMO, Vette should have it's own tail lights, and not borrow the design from a lesser model. I love my Vette, and I do not want to see it piece mealed by design and borrowing from other models already introduced. It should keep it's round lights that it has had for generations or a completely new design, but, please GM, not a design from a lesser model.....not downing Camaro, as I drove those for years. Vette is a special mark, keep it that way. I also understand that probably would cost GM less bringing it to market by borrowing parts/pieces from other models already on the market, just don't do those dam tail lights....I love the rear deck lines and the opening in the hood....I did not see a cold air inlet in the front???
There are elements I like and others, not so much. Would this design, including the Camaro tail lamps keep me from owning one, I don't think so. I think everyone here will agree that our love for this sports car is more than skin deep. Come to think of it, I love driving these cars and I can't see the outside at all.
C7 - Design Sketches by Jalopnik


I think these sketches are pretty close. They're similar to some other sketches I've seen in the past, from other projects. The one thing that is clear is that the Corvette was always going to move in the direction of Cadillac's "art & science" (aka hard edges) motif. Remember, these are now GM's two halo models and they have to play them both to a very similar market.

To me, the design looks good. European in styling, but still aggressive and brawny.

The ZR1 configuration developed by Ray Wert (Jalopnick) looks like i has some cues intended to reflect a body style that would give more advantage to the ZR1 in GT2 racing.

Wayne Ellwood
What do you get when a ZL1 Camaro, CTS-V Cadillac, and C6-Z06 collide....A C7 of course - but you already knew that, didn't you!
Well, I think it's pretty nice, as best I can telll from that one photo (?). Perhaps a bit busy. Maybe after a year or two, they'd slick it up a bit.


What motor?


AWD? (naahhh!)
I agree with the other statements regarding the taillights. I am a Camaro fan, but that's not what I want to see on a 'Vette. I also agree with 6 Shooter calling it a CamarCadaVette! I was hoping for something a bit more unique. . .
What a disappointment. It looks too much like the C6 to me. I was really hoping they would ditch the open front grill. That just looks silly to me, like a smiling Mazda.

What a disappointment. It looks too much like the C6 to me. I was really hoping they would ditch the open front grill. That just looks silly to me, like a smiling Mazda.


Disappointment is a good way of describing it.

After the C6 being so close the C5, I was really hoping for more from the C7, especially after seeing the concept GM showed at the auto shows a couple of years ago.

A C6 front end with a Camaro tail section does not show much imagination on GM's part.

Hopefully the final product will be different when actually released for purchase, with an excellent interior and more importantly excellent seats. :)
I'd like to see the base version

I'd like to see the base version as I'm not going to be buying a ZR1. A C7 possibly...but not a ZR1.

It's a red herring.

There are fully two years to go before C7 hits the showroom if 2014 is launch time, and the C6 speculation was rampant right up to a month or so before the unveiling when a trucker left one unveiled on his rig and someone got real live snapshots. A lot could happen in two years.

The picture is a very well-executed rendering that I think was done independent of GM for the sole purpose of fueling the debate. As for me ... I don't like the rear window at all. The current teardrop glas is aerodynamic and looks very sharp. This ersatz C7 looks like its back glass came off a '65 Charger. The hood vents suck to the extreme, as do Camaro tailights. The wingie thingie? ... more Camaro retro-barf.

It has some nice points, like the sculptured lines of the sides (excepting the over-angled cove vent) and the ZO6ish side vents, but as a whole, it looks garish and loosely defined.

I always liked the C4 because the whole car looks completely and smoothly integrated, like a fighter plane. If they have to go retro, see what a updated C4 could look like. I'd rather have something all new, though, like they did in '63 and '84. A totally new car.

But that's just me ...
Nice lines, but . . .

I like the lines, might even be better looking than the C6 Z06. But, I wonder about those taillights. Are they a signal we're being messed with? In this case, I hope so, since there is nothing iconic about those taillights.

Otherwise, a great looking car.
I like it alot. Maybe the taillights will get some getting used to, but overall the car works very well. I like the hard edges, like a fighter plane. Very cool.
April Fool Joke early?

I really doubt that two years out that this is the final design. That being said, I could live w/ the concept (I like sharp lines, not rounded ones that have been the design du jour for the last three iterations) except for the rear end.

Time will tell.
I've seen worse.

Now... picture that car blinged up with lambo doors, a double-whale tail, adhesive scoops and faux vents all over it... THERE! You've seen worse too.


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