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Top speed - what has your Callaway seen?


Well-known member
Feb 18, 2002
Just curious - How fast has your Callaway's Spedo. registered??

I will assume that all speeds were attained on closed test tracks or courses :upthumbs

Pics would be awesome if you have them :beer

rt 395 in ct on way to casino (1 1/2 mi straight away)
it just happened kind of naturally. i still lost money
I saw 187 with the top down in my 88 Callaway:crazy :gap
Yea that was my 188 run, I guess I am faster than Sam :Silly

PS Im kidding
I'm not faster, just crazier :crazy
Good stuff guy's :Silly
At the Carlisle Dinner, that was actually one of the questions for everyone - While most Owners have seen 120-140, a few have seen 160 ish and one even got as high as 175 :eek claiming the top speed prize for the night :m
I've seen 151 mph in 5th gear, I think I was past 5000 rpm. My TT got there so quickly it took me by surprise and I quickly threw it into 6th where it picked up more speed but I couldn't look at the speedo because I was bearing down on some traffic real quick.

I'll have another go when I get the chance though it may be best to wait for a possible trip to Germany next June or July...
138 mph in a CR1. But I am a new owner and promise to do better in Nevada.

I certainly got to 138 pretty quickly, too. I thought I was doing about 105-110 until I looked down...
Flat out in the Silver State

Steve, do you think you will be entering the CR1 into the Pony Express or Silver State Classic races held in Ely, NV??

You have the rollbar and the guts - Unlimited :confused
I have four out of six required items:

5 point seat belts

Missing are the most important two:


We shall see. Ely is located about 320 miles straight east of the car's home base in Carson City. Both towns are on Route 50.
I don't know where this picture originated but it looks like it's out of a Callaway or ZR1.

It's certainly not possible in my car.

I think it's a ZR1 due to the 8000 rpm tach. P.S. like your "avatar" Scarface!

"Say hello to my little friend!"
it's my speedometer. i took that picture at the Big Bend Open Road Race in Texas last year. i did get to 180, however, i had used the last picture in my camera on the 173 shot. damn! that car is silky smoooooth at 180!

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