Not much room
drop your fly whell dust cover. Turn your engine over without starting & remove bolts from bottom of torq convertor one at a time remove drive shaft crosmember and tranny lines,unbolt from engine with floor jack under tranny for support now you will only hafe to move back tranny about a 1/2" and it will separate from engine,lower and remove,
Good idea to drain oil from pan before you start.
with tranny out & new torq converator laying flat on the ground pour about 2 quarts of oil in converator don't want to start it dry.
set convertor onto tranny and turn until you fell it click and move into place now reinstall in car.
This is also a great time to remove tranny pan and change filter and clean pan.
If your tranny pan has 1" of grime in the bottom you might want to conseder a new tranny since its allready out of the car
Also maby a quick stall convertor and a shift kit for tranny great time to do that.