we may or **may not** get beat by these rice burning econo crap front wheel drive cars. but keep in mind, they'll NEVER be classics, they have NO soul, and you could trade any one of our vettes for at least TWO of those things. Plus, 5 years from now, that Honda Civic will be worth $2500 at best, and your classic shark will probably have increased in value at least 30%. I have a 1988 Harley FXR with nitrous, and I get soooooo friggin tired of hearing these people refer to the nitrous as "nos, noss, whatever". It's not NOS you morons, it's nitrous. That stooopid movie "Fast and the Furious" has everyone calling it noss. retarded. regardless, I can put a couple of turbos and "nos" on a Ford Festiva and make it fast too, but the truth is, you just can't polish a turd. Although some of them try, they have some expensive, and shiny turds. don't ever feel in any way inferior because a rice turd can beat you. they still suck. just advise the guy driving it that one day he'll hopefully appreciate the finer things in life, and realize a fast turd is still nothing more than a turd.