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Traction Control Help

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I have an issue with the traction control system on my 2000 vert. I am running 20" wheels all around and have always had an issue with traction control when on mid to high speed turns. Usually I go to competetive driving on the freeway with no problem.

Yesterday I was on a 2 lane road with some fairly sharp turns and the Active Handling feature came on. I would normally just turn the Active Handling button off and continue on. But this time I got a warning on the DIC :

Service Traction Sys & Service Active Handling

and the active Handling light is always on.

I pulled the following codes:

· C1217 BPMV Pump Motor Relay Contact CKT Open

· C1243 BPMV Pump Motor Stalled

Sounds like I have a bad Pump Motor.

Can anyone give me some insight and if this is something I can replace myself, like where is it and a part number.

did you get the PCM reprogd when you went will all the same size rims?
HI there,
I would suggest checking the ABS Maxi fuse, 40amp and 20 amp, at the underhood electrical center.
You could have a bad motor, which caused the fuse to pop.
However, the relay circuitry is inside the control module, the motor is inside the BPM valve assembly.
I hope it is really a blown fuse for some odd reason, because the other 2 components are expensive.
Allthebest, c4c5:hb
CAC is great

I checked the ABS fuse and the 40 anp as blown. A quick trip to PEP Boys, reset the DIC and problem solved. Hope it was just a fluke but I'll keep my eye on it.

As far as a reprogram I purchased the car with the 20's and had heard that you could not change the program.

Anyway I'm a very happy guy this afternoon.

Thanks Again,

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