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Traded 67 for 54

Aug 19, 2007
Oregon Ohio
2015 Z06 Callaway White, 1967 Corvette RestoRod
I sold the 67 Corvette and bought a 1954 Corvette. Born May 14, 1954. :w

I enlisted in the USAF in 1967 and retired after 22 years. So 67vet still applies.
I sold the 67 Corvette and bought a 1954 Corvette. Born May 14, 1954. :w

I enlisted in the USAF in 1967 and retired after 22 years. So 67vet still applies.



Congrats on the "new" Vette!
Sweet! That must be a heck of a different drive. So you gonna put some miles on that beauty?

- Eric:w
A few pictures of the 54 at the park today. :w
Very nice. Congrats and welcome to the solid axle world.

Thanks everyone for the positive comments. :w
I am going to try to drive her to some car show events as well as around town to give her some exercise.
She is a frame off restored so all the steering etc. is like new, but without any power options and less horsepower she drives differently than the 67 at low speeds or parking. Once on the highway there is some difference than the 67. I'm sure the tires on the 54 are a big reason . In either case there is no comparison to a Corvette of today or my 2007 SL550.
One thing I have noticed is that the rearview mirror is mounted low on the dashboard and with the top up it is hard to see behind you. Besides, there is no place to hide the dice!
The 54 opened up after a good cleaning. :w
Had the 54 out for a drive today with the top down. Here are some shots after I brought her back home. :w
You're having way too much fun. :)
Tom, as you know it's not always all fun with an old Corvette. :w Sometimes things go out and you have to get a tow home. This time it was for a fuel pump that went out a few weeks ago.
Oops. I think I'll add fuel pump rebuild to my list of things I need to do before I venture out in the '59. It's been setting way too long.

I like it, makes me want to sell my 65, and do something similar.
Always great to see another (older than my) solid axle tooling around.

For all those who may "pooh pooh" your "switcheroo," here's what I told my friend who did just that in [1978] comparing his 72 to my (at that time) 58 Corvette:

"If they didn't make mine, they never would've made yours!" :D

Shut him right up!
Let's see here, I'll trade you my:

- 2000 black on black 6 speed

- My real Buck folding pocket knife with real leather case

- A 1939 Old Town cedar canoe

- My favorite cat

- And I'll toss in a whole pocket full of aggies!

:cool Hey! Ya' can't blame a boy for trying now can you.

That is one beauty of a car indeed!

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