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Traded 67 for 54

SebringBill, as you know the drive between your 57 and 97 is quite different, but I'm sure both are a pleasure to drive. :w
I won't take my 54 anywhere that leaves my sight. Can't pick up 2x4's at the Home Depot for instance. But I do enjoy taking back roads here and there.

65-to-00 we already have two cats so a trade would not work. The buck knife sounds interesting.

Hope everyone has fun driving their Corvettes as much as possible before it starts to get cold again.
The 57 is much more "driver interactive;" ya gotta anticipate - especially since I like to drive the stink outta it! No "point & squirt" with that one. The 97 does have a/c, so there are tradeoffs...

It appears that your speedometer needle is "Stuck on Happy" :w
School starts on Tuesday. Watch out for Children in the streets. :w
It appears that your speedometer needle is "Stuck on Happy" :w

That was in CO in 2002 on the way to NCRS Monterey/SACC Salinas/Monterey Historics. I buried the speedo x3 in NV but couldn't bring myself to take a hand off the steering wheel to snap another picture. The Atlanta Motor Speedway pic was in 1999 on the 5th Anniversary NCM Caravan - at that point, ~115mph; I hit ~130 on the back straight. At least you could hear my car going around the track (unlike all the newer ones:D!)
Thanks everyone for the positive comments. :w
I am going to try to drive her to some car show events as well as around town to give her some exercise.
She is a frame off restored so all the steering etc. is like new, but without any power options and less horsepower she drives differently than the 67 at low speeds or parking. Once on the highway there is some difference than the 67. I'm sure the tires on the 54 are a big reason . In either case there is no comparison to a Corvette of today or my 2007 SL550.
One thing I have noticed is that the rearview mirror is mounted low on the dashboard and with the top up it is hard to see behind you. Besides, there is no place to hide the dice!

Hey 67Vet, that is one sharp 54:thumb Drop me a line if you are going to a car show and want company. Every one I go to around the area here I am the only C-1.
What is the maximum distance you are comfortable driving your 54 to a show or event?

Thanks for the nice words Fred. :w You may have seen another post I have on this forum looking for all the information and pictures I can find regarding the distributor and vac advance hookup.
Right now I don't have the proper fastener connecting the two so there is play in the parts. I don't get all the movement that I should be getting and therefore am not getting proper advance/retard on the distributor.

So, until I get that problem fixed I am not comfortable going anywhere other that level driving in the immediate area.
I hope to get it solved soon so that I can go to the Littleton Car Show on the 5th of September and of course the Henderson Show Shine and Drag the weekend of October 17th.

Hope to see you there.
Thanks for the nice words Fred. :w You may have seen another post I have on this forum looking for all the information and pictures I can find regarding the distributor and vac advance hookup.
Right now I don't have the proper fastener connecting the two so there is play in the parts. I don't get all the movement that I should be getting and therefore am not getting proper advance/retard on the distributor.

So, until I get that problem fixed I am not comfortable going anywhere other that level driving in the immediate area.
I hope to get it solved soon so that I can go to the Littleton Car Show on the 5th of September and of course the Henderson Show Shine and Drag the weekend of October 17th.

Hope to see you there.

Have you tried contacting Roy Braatz or others who own 53-54 Vettes. Many have spares or know of where to acquire. How about Paragon or VetteGal?
I too will be at Littleton, and Henderson. See if you can make our show in Roanoke Rapids, NC on Oct 3 Sat. Corvettes and Classics. I posted on NC Vettes dot com the details and will try to here also.

Fred, didn't get to see you at the Littleton Car Show. I haven't got the 54 back on the road yet. There was only one black 79/80 Corvette at the show. Sure was different than last year.
I do not know any of the other 54 owners in this area. I hope to be getting my second vacuum advance that I ordered in the mail in the next few days. The first one was dropped and destroyed by the shipper!
So I had to search for another one. :w
It was a big turnout....over 210 vehicles showed. I brought my 68 442 and hung out awhile. Maybe you can get her ready for our big event in Roanoke Rapids. We should have over 300 on display there.
I am debating on driving my 58 up from Cary or taking the Olds.


Anyway, hope you get her straight so you can enjoy. It sure is nice driving a real oldie isn't it! Let me know if you need any help. My son lives in CH and I get over there often on the weekends.


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