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Tripower fuel line install


Well-known member
Jun 7, 2005
Temperance Michigan
67 427 tripower,68 427 tripower,04 Z16, 62 340hp
Well I've sent out my center carb out to get the 1inch thread in the fuel bowl helicoiled cause i guess i torqued it to much. So I dont want to make the same mistake again, I dont have a 1in socket or wrench that has clearence to tighten SO do I tighten both the fuel line(5/8) and the 1inch cap that holds the fuel filter all at the same time.;shrug
Is there a specified torque for this connection??
I've never seen a torque spec for the 1" fuel inlet fitting to the float bowl, but the tube nuts on the fuel lines are 140-190 inch-pounds (12-16 foot-pounds). It helps a lot to put a little anti-seize on the threads of the tube nuts - it reduces thread friction and helps get a good mechanical seal at the flare with less torque, and eliminates thread galling the next time you take the fitting apart. :thumb

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