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Question: trouble down shifting into 2nd

Apr 9, 2012
Drayton Valley, Alberta,Canada
1981 coupe,red
Hi,new to forum. I have an 81 with a 4spd manual,not sure what make it is. Running up through the gears is no problem but can't downshift into second,I'm thinking syncros but wanted to see if anyone else has any insight on this. The previous owner didn't know if it's had any trans work done or not from 1st owner.The car has 90000miles on it.
Thanks Dwayne
All the other gears shift OK? 4-3 downshift? Just the 3-2 downshift is a problem. Make sure the clutch is releasing completely. After that, at 90k, I'll have to say the synchro rings are pretty well done.
You didn't say whether the trans "grinds" during the downshift or that it just will not shift into 2nd from third.

In any event, it's unlikely a clutch problem because, if it was, you'd have trouble with all gears not just the 3>2 downshift.

My guess is you have a problem with the shifter or a problem inside the transmission.

Hi guys,all gears shift good up and down except 3>2.It doesn't grind, it will go into gear once speed has bled off. Once slow enough to shift to 1st it then will shift up to second no problem. I thought it might be a linkage issue but you'd think that would affect the up shift to. Haven't crawled under to check fluid level yet.
Thanks Dwayne
I'd think linkage would have an effect on both up and down shifts too. I'm going to go with the brass synchro rings being worn. The clutch was a pretty outside shot, but nothing is worth overlooking too. Before I ripped the trans open, I'd check it all- clutch adjustment, shift linkage adjustment, and trans mount. Just to cover it all.
Hi Tim, I agree with you completley, I'll check all the simple stuff first. Might work over the engine next year,then I'll look into the trans at that time. It works okay right now, just a minor pain at the moment. Thanks for the input
Regards Dwayne
Welcome to the CAC

Have you tried double clutching it into 2nd? If it goes in easy on a double clutch but won't normally then I'd suspect the brass rings on the syncros.

3-2 shift

Double clutch helps most up shifting (2-3, 3-4 etc). But you should be able to hit neutral momentarily, blip the throttle, and get it to go in (assuming you're not at high R's in 3 going to 2).

I'd definitely check and rule out shift linkage. You gotta get under, but confirm that in neutral all levers align exactly. I've seen SLIGHTLY skewed levers give grief.

Hi Tom, thanks for the reply. Last weekend while going for a drive I tried something else,shift out of third I pushed the shifter towards 1st with a tiny bit of pressure then when pulled back to 2nd it went in no problem. I tried this multiple times with success. So something isn't quite lined up. Working on installing a new carb at the moment but as soon as we get some nice weather I'm going to crawl under and get a good look,will update my findings.
Regards Dwayne
Once you get under there, shift the trans into neutral- make double sure it's all blocked so it won't roll-- Then look at the levers where they come out the bottom of the shifter- there's a notch or hole that a 1/4 rod (drill bit) will slide into- make sure it slides in without effort. That pins the shifter into neutral. Then make sure the levers on the side of the trans are in neutral- the easiest way to do that is to disconnect them from the rods,. With the rods disconnected, you should be able to shift each lever into gear and back to neutral. With the shifter pinned, the rods should slip into the levers- again, with no effort.

You can get a set of bushings and clips for the rods at just about any auto store that sells performance parts-
If I recall, the Hurst bushings will fit perfectly on the factory shifter.
Hi Tim, thanks for the tip. Once I get this carb finished up I'll start looking into the shifter. One problem at a time ,haha.
Regards Dwayne

What's the fun in that? Jeez, you need to be hitting 4 or 5 problems at the same time. ;LOL


really, let us know what you find- it may help someone else along the way.

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