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Trunk lid problem

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03 RoadKing

Question for all the rag top and Z06 owners. When I open the trunk lid from the remote or the dash button it just barely opens enough to get a finger under the edge, is there an adjustment to have it open further? It's only a matter of time before the paint gets scratched while trying to open the lid. ;help
It must be fairly common. I have seen posts here before about this, and mine does it also. I tried cleaning and treating the weatherstripping, but it didn't help.
It is a pretty universal problem.
Have you tried opening and closing one of the doors (with the windows rolled up)? A low-tech solution but it works.

MsSchroder said:
It is a pretty universal problem.
Have you tried opening and closing one of the doors (with the windows rolled up)? A low-tech solution but it works.

That's exactly what I do. I think unless you want to go to the expense of adding some sort of hydraulic motor to power it up, opening and closing one of the doors is the best solution (provided you haven't put up some sort of compartment divider.)

I believe that there is a warranty repair available if you want to go to the trouble of having it done. See the link I posted above.
I sprayed all the hinges with silicone and it worked fine until I installed a carpeted trunk lid liner - now its back to the same.
You may have to adjust the latching mechanisim. I lubed everything on the lid that moves and it still did it 50% of the time. Adjusting the latch a hair did the trick.:upthumbs
The trunk lid on the 2004 Z06, that I just bought, pops open a long ways - like at least half way up. If it is a latch issue you may try installing an extra spring on top of the one that is there - that was what I needed to do for the hatch latch on my '01 Camaro SS and was a fix that was pushed on one of the F-body sites.

The only problem I am having is that when I've washed the car (using a hand held pressure washer at a car wash) I've noticed a bad leak around the passenger side front corner of the trunk lid. When I finished washing it the other day I noticed a stream of water poring in as I got in the car - has anybody else had this problem?
Have not experienced any leaking in the truck lid. I drove through about an hour of torrential rain about a month after adjusting the latch.
I haven't experienced any leaks but I've only washed it with a garden hose at home so far.
03 RoadKing said:
Question for all the rag top and Z06 owners. When I open the trunk lid from the remote or the dash button it just barely opens enough to get a finger under the edge, is there an adjustment to have it open further? It's only a matter of time before the paint gets scratched while trying to open the lid. ;help
The latch or the hinges can be adjusted to fix the problem:)
My trunk lid did the same thing. I turned the two plastic stops up just enough to put more pressure on the lid and it works fine.
38 dream 2002 electron blue drop top.
My apology for hijacking this thread. I have a question that is vaguely relevant so I thought it would be ok to join in.

The question regards interior storage length of the hardtop vs. the coupe. I only now realized that the C-5 came with either a hatch or the trunk. Does the trunk configuration offer any additional storage distance fore and aft? I race model sailboats that are 40" long and the mast is 62". The mast will obviously have to come up between the seats, but the hull should ideally fit behind the seats. Thanks for any help.
no_vette_yet said:
My apology for hijacking this thread. I have a question that is vaguely relevant so I thought it would be ok to join in.

The question regards interior storage length of the hardtop vs. the coupe. I only now realized that the C-5 came with either a hatch or the trunk. Does the trunk configuration offer any additional storage distance fore and aft? I race model sailboats that are 40" long and the mast is 62". The mast will obviously have to come up between the seats, but the hull should ideally fit behind the seats. Thanks for any help.
I have the "trunk" version.
I measured 40" from where the trunk area starts, to the deepest part in the back.
However, you have an additional 8 or 9 inches behind the seats to add onto that.
And if you want to stash something between the seats, I measured about 78" from the back side of the shifter to the back of the inside of the trunk.

Mine only has about 11 1/2 inches of height though.

I don't know how much room the hatch versions have.

Ms Schroder (Tammy)
Thanks for taking the time to help. The trunk version looks like it has more storage length (which helps alot), better security of concealing the cargo, and better protection from the sun. The version looks to be a little less aerodynamic but doubt that it is too significant. I'll bet they are also a rarer model.

I was thinking of picking up a fully depreciated C-4 but I will be in the Bahamas and Europe for the next year (+/-) for work so will wait and maybe buy a C-5 when I get back. Have decided that these are definitely not the most reliable or inexpensive modes of travel but that I will have one.
As for aerodynamics, the fixed roof doesn't hurt the Z06 too much.

According to this interesting article in the Tech Center, the fixed roof is also lighter. And I understand that it increases overall structural rigidity.

They were available in 99 and 00 in limited numbers, and only on Z06 models in 01-04. Z06Vette.com has a separate forum dedicated to enthusiasts of the FRC.

They are definitely more rare. There were 4000 made in 1999 (29,000 of the other models) and only 2000 made in 2000 (31,500 of the other models). In 01 through 04, they are only available in the Z06 model. It looks like they will not be available in any form on the C6's. Pity...

C5 prices have gotten quite reasonably low. In a year or so, I'm sure they will be even better. So if you can get past the little issue of not being able to drive around with the top off.... you should go for it.

Thanks Tammy,
Learning more about these awesome beasts all the time. Thank You.

I had the same problem while under warranty. Found a link on the site about problem, Dealer replaced spring in trunk latch, has worked just fine since then.

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