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Trunk lid problem

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hzl6cm said:
The only problem I am having is that when I've washed the car (using a hand held pressure washer at a car wash) I've noticed a bad leak around the passenger side front corner of the trunk lid. When I finished washing it the other day I noticed a stream of water poring in as I got in the car - has anybody else had this problem?

I posted a thread some months ago regarding a similar problem (http://www.corvetteactioncenter.com/forums/showthread.php?t=57459&highlight=trunk+leak). I was able to trace the leak to the hinge mounting bolts that go through the hinge plate. It took a bit of experimenting, but the final solution was to remove the mounting bolts one at a time (so as not to affect the adjustment), place a bead of silicone sealant on the threads just under the head of the bolt and reinstall.

Good luck - Craig
Thanks - that sounds like it might be where my leak is coming from.

I too has the same problem on my vert. I replaced both gas springs for the whopping price of $7.68 each! This is from the GM drealer!! I think the "give up the ghost" after several years.
The decklid has one spring adjuster at either corner (toward the rear) with a rubber grommet on it for minor alignment adjustments. If you you back each one out a little it should solve your problem but the alignment of the decklid to the rear fascia may change. Good luck.

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