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Unusual C6 picture

Hello -

First off, I am total rubbish with cars - am a 21 year old photogpraher that works in aviation, and photographs aircraft.

Ok, it would seem you have used one of my pictures on here - Dont worry, am not mad at you all. I just wanted to know what exactley have I photographed? You all seem keen to see it?

The airport it was taken at is caled East Midlands Airport (EMA), with Europes largest DHL hub. The aircraft came in from Chicago, stayed at EMA and went to Amsterdam.

I take loads of photos here, and have more photos with cars coming out of the aircraft. They are currently not online, just on my PC and backup media.

If you want more, please let me know?

my site is www.takeoff.to/ema <--- you can email from here too.
What we're so keen on is the car in the photo. If you are who you say you are, and that photo is yours, you've stumbled onto a camouflaged next-generation 2005 Chevrolet Corvette. We've been scrounging the net for spy photos.

Thanks for letting us view it, and, if you don't mind and have more photos of the car, would you post them to your site? General Motors is doing a great job at hiding this car until its unveiling in January 2004, so any new photo whets our collective appetite for more.

Thanks again,
great photo.
Yes, I am who I say I am - my website should confirm that. Loads of cars come into the airport all the time, may be on to a catch here?

Infact some people have emailed me wanting the photos - Any ideas what price photos of these would go for, so am not ripped off?

I have some "super" close ups too. I took close ups because I did not know what the car was? You can see text sheets on it, lables and all sorts. I have around 5 pics. Plus there is a BMW (I think) and also a chequred flag like car too?


Aaron Lupton

You snapped a picture of a camo'd sixth generation Corvette test car, to be unveiled to the public in January. The new Corvette is always one of the most anticipated vehicles in the auto industry. Magazines eat up any kind of picture of them. Your picture is the first one any of us have seen with those rims on it. Very cool!

If you have more Corvette pics, we would love to see them!

Will try and put some up.

to me, they are of no interest - no offence guys.

If you, or anybody does want to buy them THIS INCLUDES copyright, let me know and I will sell em to the first taker? You can email me privatley for sample of them if you like, or to talk "business"...

I sell photos all the time for aviation magazine and journals, so I play fair.

I will uplaod some smaller pics on here though, so you can all see em, just to prove and not just "Mr Money bags"...

if you can pre-warn me of other cars, I may be able to be regular here?
Thank you, Aaron.

Sorry to say I don't know anything about $$ for photos & magazines. Maybe someone else here will chime in on that. I do know, however, that photos of these test cars have, indeed, been published in auto magazines. For reference you might take a gander at the following site (sorry, I forgot the name of the person who runs the site):

Corvette Spyshot Site

if I were you I would contact magazines such as motor trend or Car and Driver. it is possible that they would buy the photos from you. you never know until you ask.

BTW: you take some SWEET shots!!!!!
The "checkered-flag" looks to be the 2005 Caddilac STS, and the BMW looks like it could be an uncovered Next-Generation BMW 3-series. :eek :eek :eek

....you are sitting on a money-pit my freind....
How much would you be selling them for???

Seems like one place to get shots like that in the States will be wherever at O'Hare, Kalitta Air loads it's planes.

As for the European spy shooter who shot the images, why not try to sell them to the European motoring press?
If it is a uncovered Next-Generation BMW 3-series then that is good I guess right? I have a craking pic of this too!

Who is best to buy them off me?
Where is the bimmer? I just see two pics of the 'vette and two of the checkered car.

I don't know much about selling pics to magazines, but a cool UK magazine I know of is called "Car". Their website is: www.carmagazine.co.uk

I've seen Car and Driver and MotorTrend print lots of spyshots too, so I would simply give them all an email and see what they say. Good luck.

The new generation 3 series or 4 series..whatever they are going to call it..has been running around sans camoflage for months here in Northern NJ.

They just covered the badges..

Its an absolute winner that the BMW groupies are going to go nuts over.

Thanks for your shots of the STS and C6.

Very cool.

The more I look at the rear end of the C-6, the more I think we are seeing what the actual shape will be. Look at the first photo in this thread...the camo just forms too snug to the body of the car. Unlike the front, the camo there looks like a 7 year old could have made it...it doesn't fit right, and it just doesn't look right. IMO.

I think the back end is it friends.

Great photos...good luck making some cash on them.

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