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VAC calibration way off


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2008
66 Roadster Glen Green/Saddle
My L79's VAC died after about 30 or 40 years. It was a B20. Reading all the posts on VAC and timings (JohnZ , Duke W., etc.) a replacement number now would be B26. 16* full advance and rated at 16* @ 13 Hg.

I put it in, timed the car and what do you know?

19* to 20 * from VAC . Full in at 11-13 Hg . This was over the limit by 3* to 4* , for my aggressive timing map.

I put in a B1 and it only put out 13* at full vac 20* Rated for 16* @ 16-18 Hg.

What to do?

Put back the B26 and put a bushing on the rod. It fit just right and had a 1/4" OD. It held back the rod by 3 * bringing the VAC advance back to specs.

You can't trust today's replacement or reproduction parts to be on spec.

It only cost $.15 for a nylon sleeve or bushing: See photos

Unless you are going to have your car judged why not just use an adjustable vac advance and set it where you want it?

Do you know what happen when a guy on a sight not to be mentioned suggested that?

Unless you are going to have your car judged why not just use an adjustable vac advance and set it where you want it?


You are right, why not! The last guy to suggest that was accused of blasphemy and desecration of a living legend.

With my upcoming trip, I will have enough problems with a pitted original air cleaner assembly and cover with silkscreened backside.

Can you imagine the comments at many stops, car looks great but, why the VAC can? Why no shielding on distributor? (because we have to adjust the dam thing a lot) .

So , you see I am between a rock and hard place.

Next, I would like to ask you for some help with the trip. The response from this forum and all the others has been overwhelming .

I am not a computer geek so I know this forum has the tools to help me.

I need a way to have all interested members in a group or such that will allow me to communicate both individually and group wise with updates, information, schedules etc..

I want to use the tech forum only for interesting issues about the car , it holding up to the trip, others interesting car and the like to stay on topic.
With directions to blog or forum location that you suggest.

I want all who want me to stop by, to have a good way to give me notice, so no one is left out .

I look forward to any suggestion for this forum.


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