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Vin location on frame

  • Thread starter Thread starter robertog
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I have a 1959 looking for the vin number on frame? can it be seen with body on? just need location within a few inches thanks alot
welcome to the site!!!

I have a '60 and when I found mine it was on the drivers side about where your hip would be. I found mine when the body was off. Some say that you can see it with a small mirror and some light, but mine was smack in the middle of the frame. The frame had surface rust and when I finally was able to find it I had to look at the frame at an angle to see it. Wasn't easy for me.

Good luck!!!
going out to look and see on drivers side close to hip when sitting on frame worth a try. this car has a new assigned vin because the old tag had gone missing and all other numbers on firewall .
going out to look and see on drivers side close to hip when sitting on frame worth a try. this car has a new assigned vin because the old tag had gone missing and all other numbers on firewall .
not hard to loose the tag's, just held on with a couple of screws into fiberglass. Later they were welded onto the steering column somewhere in the 60 model run.

The number is for sure on top of the frame, so you have to look between the frame and the body.....
not hard to loose the tag's, just held on with a couple of screws into fiberglass. Later they were welded onto the steering column somewhere in the 60 model run.

The number is for sure on top of the frame, so you have to look between the frame and the body.....

too hard to read going to buy a reverse mirror which is lit . haveing the new vin does that effect the value of the car the engine code is 375 6519 and all parts are original and working
I have a 1979 the frame vin number is on the top side of the frame left side under where you sit. It is difficult to find with the body on. There may be enough room to use a mirror to read it. Good luck. I think all C3's have the secret vin number at that location.
too hard to read going to buy a reverse mirror which is lit . haveing the new vin does that effect the value of the car the engine code is 375 6519 and all parts are original and working
Welcome aboard, robertog! Nice to have another Canadian around.

Kamloops is a lovely town. I've been to the Thompson Rivers University grounds a number of times for athletic events before I moved to Ottawa a few months ago.

On a C1 the frame VIN derivative is on the top surface, about 3/8" in from the outside edge, directly across from the center of the frame "X" member, where your wallet is when seated in the car; looks like the photo below. :)
thanks for all your help just getting some cleaning materials to work on it body is still on so have to use small brush etc.
On a C1 the frame VIN derivative is on the top surface, about 3/8" in from the outside edge, directly across from the center of the frame "X" member, where your wallet is when seated in the car; looks like the photo below. :)
mine didnt look that good.....I had to look at a slight angle in the light to see a faint outline....that is a good one there!
If you can run your finger along the top of the frame rail in the area that John H. described you should feel a depression where the stamp was struck. The number on my 61 270-HP was under the rubber block that is between the body and the frame. The numbers on the 61 315-HP were very faint and unreadable.

:)found the rubber block and removed it was about to clean surface but hey its new years eve happy new year :):D:D:):):):):):) thanks to all I just cant wait to drive this car in the spring
Hey guys found the vin #7714 and have an engine cast # 3756519 any other numbers needed to I.D this car oh and what is the build date ?
Hey guys found the vin #7714 and have an engine cast # 3756519 any other numbers needed to I.D this car oh and what is the build date ?

'59 #7714 was built on May 21, 1959. 59's didn't have the VIN stamped on the front block pad, but the other two important items are:

1. The stamping on the machined surface on the front block pad, just below the front of the passenger side cylinder head - what's stamped there?

2. The block casting date - it's raised, about 4" or so toward the passenger side from the distributor, on the rear flange of the block, behind the passenger side cylinder head - it's a letter followed by two or three numbers.

here's the numbers I have
engine identification code on front right side boss# V128734
engine casting number 375 6519
distributor numbers 1110947 and 9b2 ac delco
valve cover number 376 7493
only other number or letter on block is a M raised letter above the cast number
exhaust manifold numbers are 374 9965 lh15
head has 379 5893 or 96 and also h29 4 canada GM 3
carb is a rochester 4jet only number there is 28500:beer
thanks guys
here's the numbers I have
engine identification code on front right side boss# V128734
engine casting number 375 6519
distributor numbers 1110947 and 9b2 ac delco
valve cover number 376 7493
only other number or letter on block is a M raised letter above the cast number
exhaust manifold numbers are 374 9965 lh15
head has 379 5893 or 96 and also h29 4 canada GM 3
carb is a rochester 4jet only number there is 28500:beer
thanks guys

3756519 is the correct block casting number, but it's a McKinnon (Canada) casting, and the front pad stamp appears to be a rebuilder's code. All Corvette blocks were cast at Saginaw.

The distributor was made 2/2/59, and is from a passenger car; the original was 1110946.

Cylinder head is also a McKinnon (Canada) casting, dated August 29, 1964, from a 250hp passenger car. The original heads were 3767465.

The Rochester "4-Jet" was only used on passenger cars; the original carb was a Carter WCFB #2818S.

The 3749965 LH exhaust manifold is correct - the RH should be 3750556.

Drive it and enjoy it! :)
3756519 is the correct block casting number, but it's a McKinnon (Canada) casting, and the front pad stamp appears to be a rebuilder's code. All Corvette blocks were cast at Saginaw.

if all corvette blocks were cast at saginaw then how could this be the correct block i am confused
Question for John H.

Question for John H.

Hi! John,

I did some research about seven years ago on different castings from GM. I had a gentleman that provided me some information and examples of casting dates from a St. Catharine's foundry in Canada. Would this be the same foundry as the McKinnon (Canada) casting you are referring to or was there another foundry in Canada?

Thanks for any information!


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