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Vin location on frame

  • Thread starter Thread starter robertog
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Question for John H.

Hi! John,

I did some research about seven years ago on different castings from GM. I had a gentleman that provided me some information and examples of casting dates from a St. Catharine's foundry in Canada. Would this be the same foundry as the McKinnon (Canada) casting you are referring to or was there another foundry in Canada?

Thanks for any information!


Yes - same foundry. McKinnon Industries Ltd., previously a partially-owned subsidiary of GM, became a wholly-owned division of GM of Canada in 1969 and was re-named the "St. Catherine's" plant. That's where the LS3 Corvette engines are made.

if all corvette blocks were cast at saginaw then how could this be the correct block i am confused

GM cast many of the same blocks at different locations (Tonawanda foundry for the Tonawanda engine plant, Saginaw foundry for the Flint V-8 engine plant, and at McKinnon Industries (Canada) for their engine plant); all three made engines using that block, but Corvette small-block engines were made ONLY at the Flint V-8 engine plant, using blocks cast at Saginaw.

if that is the case then how does this work a engine with the engine ID stamped F117CQ is a flint engine and a engine stamped V128CQ is a flint engine as well

Code Engine Plant Code Engine Plant
F Flint (Motor) S Saginaw Service
H Hydramatic T Tonawanda
K St. Catherines, Ontario V Flint (Engine)
(McKinnon Industries Canada)
M GM of Mexico

and why is the V flint (engine) and the F (Motor)
if that is the case then how does this work a engine with the engine ID stamped F117CQ is a flint engine and a engine stamped V128CQ is a flint engine as well

Code Engine Plant Code Engine Plant
F Flint (Motor) S Saginaw Service
H Hydramatic T Tonawanda
K St. Catherines, Ontario V Flint (Engine)
(McKinnon Industries Canada)
M GM of Mexico

and why is the V flint (engine) and the F (Motor)

Flint Motor (the old 6-cylinder plant) and Flint V-8 shared the "F" prefix until 1967, when the Flint V-8 prefix changed to "V" (when the warranty claim system was first computerized).

thanks john but still confused the casting number is 3756519 date c 2 9 and engine id is a v12**** how can this be then
thanks for the help
Haha! That frame number looks intimately familiar :)
thanks john but still confused the casting number is 3756519 date c 2 9 and engine id is a v12**** how can this be then
thanks for the help

Most likely the engine has been rebuilt, was decked as part of the rebuild, and the V128CQ (if that's what's stamped on the pad) was re-stamped by someone who didn't have the right information on the "F" vs. "V" prefix history. If the pad stamping is V128734 (instead of V128CQ), that's probably a rebuilder's code number.

Appears to be the correct block casting number and casting date for the build date of the car, but it's been rebuilt, decked, and stamped.


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