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News: Vintage Corvette belongs to the last buyer


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Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
Vintage Corvette belongs to the last buyer

Marilyn Odendahl

Although a 1965 Chevrolet Corvette was the subject of litigation over ownership when it was purchased by a third party on eBay, the Indiana Court of Appeals has found the hotrod belongs to the eBay bidder.

The Indiana Court of Appeals affirmed the summary judgment granted to Donald Gindelberger in James N. Brinkely and Stephanie L. Brinkley v. Michael Haluska, P.E., d/b/a Retro Tech, et al, 32A01-1204-MI-181. It found Gindelberger to be a good faith purchaser for value.

The Brinkleys bought the Corvette in 2005 and, in 2006, contracted with Michael Haluska to restore the car for $12,500 plus parts and additional expenses. However, the parties eventually had disagreement about Haluska’s work and the amount of money the Brinkleys still owed.

Mechanic’s Lien Plus, hired by Haluska, filed a lien on the vehicle and sent a certified notice to James Brinkley at his father’s residence which was the address listed on the title. The notice stated the vehicle would be sold at public auction in August 2009 if the charges of $7,400 were not paid.

Full Story: Vintage Corvette belongs to the last buyer | The Indiana Lawyer

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