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voltage regulator mounting


Nov 5, 2011
Southampton, PA
1966 convertible - corvette blue
I had to replace my voltage regulator on the '66. There were 3 screws from inside the fender well portruding into the engine compartment. The regulator was secured with 3 nuts onto the 3 screws. When I removed the nuts, the screws fell thru and onto the ground. Now I have 3 holes in the fender shield and cannot mount the new VR. I'm pretty sure that this is not how GM designed it. How should the VR be mounted?
I had to replace my voltage regulator on the '66. There were 3 screws from inside the fender well portruding into the engine compartment. The regulator was secured with 3 nuts onto the 3 screws. When I removed the nuts, the screws fell thru and onto the ground. Now I have 3 holes in the fender shield and cannot mount the new VR. I'm pretty sure that this is not how GM designed it. How should the VR be mounted?

If I remember correctly, OEM was rubber isolater grommets in the fender well with captured nuts inside each rubber grommet. A seperate ground wire was needed to bolt to the regulater housing to manage the voltage correctly. Good luck with it. :)
If I remember correctly, OEM was rubber isolater grommets in the fender well with captured nuts inside each rubber grommet. A seperate ground wire was needed to bolt to the regulater housing to manage the voltage correctly. Good luck with it. :)

I see the isolator screws in Eckler's and will order them. Thank you for the quick answer and your help. BC

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