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Vote for Goodguys Homebuilt Heaven Corvette for National Championship

keep the votes coming......the Oldsmobile (nice car) appears to be closing the gap....you can vote about every 3 to 4 hours....do what you can, Ron appreciates it! :)
Ya Know.....

This is like a part time job;LOL
Another vote!:upthumbs

Rowdy, you are right! I am starting to get tired! :rotfl

SAVE the WAVE! :w
Juan Motime...:chuckle
Just voted for the first time. You need to update you avatar to show the current RED stable in operating condition, not sitting on the box. The C1 is already the star of the 2011 calendar. I am a RED corvette fan also, but love them all. Greg's LT4 is a show stopper also.
Nice to see you, Barrett! Thanks for the compliment!

Voted again! :upthumbs

SAVE the WAVE! :w
Another vote for a beautiful Vette! :upthumbs

SAVE the WAVE! :w
Nice to see you, Barrett! Thanks for the compliment!

Voted again! :upthumbs

SAVE the WAVE! :w

Greg, just telling like it is; your vette is very distinctive and worthy of praise. Voted again.
Just voted for the first time. You need to update you avatar to show the current RED stable in operating condition, not sitting on the box. The C1 is already the star of the 2011 calendar. I am a RED corvette fan also, but love them all. Greg's LT4 is a show stopper also.

yeah, I had intended to get a new photo this year with all 6 cars....but the summer got away from me...perhaps I will get a new photo next summer.....the '63swc restomod is really not making any progress other than I keep buying the parts I need to get it going. Picked up a hydraulic clutch kit, electric power brake kit and Rock Valley SS gas tank with in tank pump. There is just never enough time......

keep voting, Ron appreciates the support from everyone. And yes Rowdy, it is like another job.....:D
Another vote for a beautiful Vette! :upthumbs

SAVE the WAVE! :w
I haven't missed a day:beer

Haven't missed a day either... must be the Z16 in the blood!:W

... or maybe it's the Jersey beach sand between the toes??? (born and raised in Manasquan)
New member here. Just want to say thanks to each and every one of you for the votes. All votes are very much appreciated.
And yes....this voting thing has become:chuckle a part time job.
I Don't Mind.......

New member here. Just want to say thanks to each and every one of you for the votes. All votes are very much appreciated.
And yes....this voting thing has become:chuckle a part time job.
I'm sure it's not as time consuming as building that beauty was. You deserve it, that's one of the best looking vettes I've ever seen.:beer
Actually I've been voting twice a day now that I think about it... once at work and once from home.:chuckle

must be that Chicago influence on me.
Ya Know.......

Haven't missed a day either... must be the Z16 in the blood!:W

... or maybe it's the Jersey beach sand between the toes??? (born and raised in Manasquan)
You might just have something there............:w
you all are GREAT!!!!!:upthumbs :beer :upthumbs
What's the old saying? "Vote early and vote often!!"


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