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Wagon wheel touch up paint


Well-known member
Oct 21, 2003
Barrington, R.I.
1999 triple black vert.
Hello everyone. I need help finding the correct silver touch up paint for stock 99 wagon wheels. I had some but I lost the bottle. Thanks in advance.
Hello everyone. I need help finding the correct silver touch up paint for stock 99 wagon wheels. I had some but I lost the bottle. Thanks in advance.
1998 - 2004 Magnesium,Code WA 163D

Thank you, but I think that is the code for the magnesium wheel option. I have regular stock wagon wheels.
Sorry, I think you are correct. Threw me off because I think it was called something else in 2000, when I got the car. Thanks again.
I found the last bottle of wheel touch-up that I used before and it is called sparkle silver, with a different number. It was an exact match and I originally found it through this website. Any insight would be helpful.

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