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Wahoo.....just spoke to painter......almost done!!

Hi qwik
thanks for the heads up on the trip. Sounds like a lot of fun but IF the car is ready by the weekend the most distance I'm taking her is to the drags in Cecil County (but NOT racing) which is only 20 minutes away from me. I don't want to go any further than that because she still needs to have seasonal maintanance performed - oil and oil filter changed, valves adjusted, check tranny and rear fluids, etc.
If she had been done sooner for me to get maintance performed on time than your trip would have been great. Oh well, maybe next year I can make it.
Quick update......................

Just got back from dropping all the parts off to the shop for reassembly. Honestly, while my painter is still saying he thinks he may be able to get her done by the weekend I can't see how it will be finished in time. My impression yesterday when I spoke to him was that all the final wetsanding was done and he was just finishing up on the buffing that isn't the case.
About half the car is wetsanded already and the other half isn't. No buffing yet of course since the wetsanding isn't completed. He was putting together the headlight buckets while I was there and doing some "finishing touches" of black paint in the area behind the buckets and the gril area and also will redo black in the recesses under the windshield wiper grills. The windshield and rear window still need to be installed along with the door glass before he finishes wetsanding (so the mess doesn't drip into the interior). After that the rest of the door interior parts and other interior parts need to get reinstalled not to mention all the emblems, brackets and bumpers, grill, wipers, antenna, rocker panels and sidepipe covers, buckets installed, than the windshield and rear window trim moldings.
He has more confidence than I do that it will be ready for the weekend.
Based on what I saw today, I told him that although my club is having a show he knows i'd like to go to, if the car is done, than fine, but otherwise I don't want him to rush this last bit left and cut corners just to try and make the weekend. After all this time another week in the shop won't kill me.
He still said it was a possibility, but i'm not counting on it.
Oh well, if she ain't done this week, she ain't done and that will be that. Maybe by next weekend. Besides, it's so damn hot and humid around here lately that without AC in the car it's too miserable to be out driving her anyway so she would just be sitting in my garage. Better he takes his time and finishes her properly.
Shoot for the Penske show on 6.26.05 in King of Prussia. A nice show. went last year..Put on by Keystone State Corvette Club. If you get their early enough, you can park inside, which is always nice....About a dozen C2's their last year or More..Some "Bangin" lookin vettes....including NIGHTMARE.....

I've given up planning or shooting for any date. Joe will give me my car back when he is done.......... maybe i'll get it back before winter............... :L
You have a wonderful sense of humour and timeless patience. I admire you.

This one is in the fridge waiting for the big day! I will crack it open when you give the notice!

BarryK said:
I've given up planning or shooting for any date. Joe will give me my car back when he is done.......... maybe i'll get it back before winter............... :L


It's good to hear you will have your car back soon. I understand what your saying about not planning for anything. Next month will be my 2 year anniversary without my car! It reminds me of the movie about Michelangelo when he is painting the Sistine Chapel and the Pope asks everyday "When will it be done?" and Michelangelo answers everyday "When it is finished" :L
hi ispanic
the worst part is that originally it just went in to touch up a few small spots and was going to be a few days........than we decided to do a full repaint. The original completetion date on the repaint was suppose to be March 1st.
It would kill me to be without the car for 2 years - almost 10 months is WAY too long for me as it is and most of that time was over the winter when I wouldn't be driving her anyway. Two years worth of Springs, Summers, and Falls of nice weather would make me shoot myself!

Mine originally went in to fix a one inch blister caused by a repair shop and ended up with a complete color change back to stock. I was told 6 months. Then one thing led to another and hey while I'm at it I might as well do this and that and now 2 years comming up :L
Well at least I will have a brand new '66 when I am done. The thing that scares me is I am starting not to miss it and actually enjoy the restoration process and search for parts. I am beginning to think that I might have a rare form of Corvette Stockholm syndrome :D

wow, sounds almost like my situation. Mine started from a blistering on the hood. I learned after that to get a cover to put on the air cleaner to eliminate reflections while the hood is up at shows. Expensive lesson but one learned very well!
The bodywork my painter did is incredible - it looks like a completely different car.
Amazing what you find to repair when you strip off the paint.

Wow....I just got back from a two week trip....this traveling is getting really old. Where are the pics? Man you got to show the pics... Mine is SLOWLY getting there. Have the new motor in, redid the valve covers, and the intake, doing the overspray per NCRS. All the suspension was removed, and repacked the bearing etc. Replaced a lot of pieces, disassembled rear end, everything was in good shape, had to tighten it up, and put it all back together, cleaned up the entire housing. Of course its in a shop now and they are doing the work, I just can't do anything because of my travels. Hope to have most of it all together again by next week, hope to get car home by 4th July....

Sound like you will have yours soon...did I mention we need to see pics??
hey Collin, welcome home again. Good to see you back.

I got a few pics yesterday but nothing exciting enough to bother posting and boring everyone. Just a few of different areas of the car in the middle of the final wetsanding and with the sanded areas not buffed out yet it just looks dull and unexciting - hard to believe the buffing can bring it back so glossy when he's done. He was working on the headlight bucket reassembly when i was there and he just finished spraying new black paint in the area behind the buckets and grill area to "freshen" it up and he'll do the same under the windshield wiper grills.

i'll get pics up as soon as she is done. It should be soon now finally - i'm hoping if all goes well by the end of next week.

We want pics of YOURS too! :)

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