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Wanted: 67 435 red interior


New member
Feb 8, 2011
1969 427/400 ac vert, 1997 coupe
Looking for 67 convertible 435 with red interior, exterior color doesnt matter, but i do like white
Welcome and happy hunting. . . . . . . . . See the USA in your Chevrolet, Corvette

Looking for 67 convertible 435 with red interior, exterior color doesnt matter, but i do like white

Welcome to Corvette Action Center & happy hunting BIG BLOCKS ROCK :happyanim:

Bill :beer
Mark, I'm sorry I missed this one initially and a belated WELCOME!

Since your post is more of a "looking for" instead of an "introduction", I'm moving it to the C1 & C2 Forum so that it will be viewed by the appropriate group.

In addition to your new thread, you may want to consider posting a "Wanted" ad in the Corvette Showcase. You can navigate to that section by following the Shop > Corvettes For Sale > Place an Ad links in the link bar at the top of the page:


Good luck with your search!
:wJane Ann

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