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Water standing around hatch


Well-known member
Apr 4, 2003
Burleson, Texas
White '96 LT4 Coupe
When I wash my car, I have water that is not draining away from the hatch area on the driver's side corner, next to the door. There is a small amount in the same area on the pass side.

Is there a drain hole on the sides of the hatch that may be plugged up? I have looked around a bit, but have not found anythind on either side. Any help other than soaking it up with a towel every time I wash it ?
Yes they do and it is real easy to install ans it WORKS. Since I installed them on my 84 no more water.
If you don't want to take a drill to your Corvette...get yourself a leaf blower and blow your car dry.
:m I am with JonM, use the leaf blower all over the vette after using the california blade.
yes an 80mph trip will,but it will leave streaks.a leaf blower ?? to each his own,but if anything other than air comes out it will scratch the heck out of the car,make sure to keep a good filter on the intake side of the blower.i just do it the old fashion way dry off ,open doors and hatches and dry.my car is black too,so no room for half-a$$ car washes.good times,Todd.
My 95, of which I am unsure of its exact history, has drain holes on each side of the hatch. Pass side drained, driver side did not. I removed drain (brass fitting with collapsed and algae plugged hose attached) from driver side. Fitted new hose to brass, removed inner fender well and re-installed drain hose. No more water ponding along hatch. I am not sure if this was an original factory drain or installed somewhere down the line.

Hope this helps.
Heck!! I do it the easy way, just turn the car over and shake it till all the water is gone.:J
It ain't just for Thanksgiving anymore...


I have to agree with Rabbit, the turkey baster works great... the best part will be the looks on your neighbors faces when they see you using your new found tool! Once you explain it to them, they will once again feel safe being outside when you are drying off your car.

Looking to drill into my vette too.
Drains seem to be the worry free solution.

I soak up as much with the shami as I can. but still holds some up in the weather stripping.

Keep ya all posted
I'd never drill back there, I just soak it up all around the weatherstripping with my pinkie wrapped in a towel. :D

I did however, drill the driver side hood latch because it would retain water, and you don't even have to buy a kit for that. :gap

_ken :v
The leaf blower works fine. I use the water blade for a quick pass to get the bulk. Then the chamois. Then a leaf blower on slow speed. Not only do you get water out of the channel in the hatch. You can get the excess out of the door handles, all the side molding, tail lights, headlights, wheels, etc...
And yeah the neighbors give me really funny looks when they see me in the driveway with the leaf blower drying the vette :L
I have the problem too. I asked a guy in my club about the kits & he said he has seen vettes with cracks in the fiberglass from the kits be installed.
Well, my solution this weekend was to use my hand vacuum pump. It has a container for when you use it to bleed brakes. Just attached it, a long hose, and sucked it out quick and easy.

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